< Buddhist Philosophy






Buddhism as a form moves from realization to crystallization

Diamond teachings and other hardening's are the inevitable outcome

In Tantra developments a concentrated relationship with an idealized Guru, Christ or Prophet should exist with a mature understanding of the fiction our mind creates.

The power and inspiration is real The source comes from our own creation

This fundamental difference between external reality and projected fantasy may lead to obsessive inclination and manipulation

If you can click your fingers and your deity is gone, then you are awake. Otherwise you are trapped by a benign demon of your creation.

In Buddhism, Truth is seen as personal and therefore ranges from belief in many gods to One God through to agnosticism and atheism. God is not a central issue in Dharma (Buddhist doctrine) being outside of genuine independent experience or comprehension. Of greater concern is one's actual knowable (and redeemable) situation. In other words how to improve the current experience for oneself and others without recourse to the fantasy of future lives, heavens, purelands or other escapist delusions for the spiritually fragile.

Spiritual faculties are discriminative without labels of personal preference Real perceptions express the positive in their inherent nature

As well as the obvious recognizable effects of the enlightened there is also the hidden or invisible legacy:

1. Improved and new behaviour:

a. social cohesion

b. psychological health

c. dispersion of negative into appropriate channels

2. New thoughts and ways of thinking

a. encouragement of learning

b. improvement of human aspiration and potential

c. development of deeper understanding on all levels

3. Collection, concentration and dispersal of virtue

a. the store of goodness is attracted and accumulated

b. personal contact disperses the quality throughout

c. the sum total of goodness is increased

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