< Breton < Level 2

Lesson 6/Kentel C'hwec'h : Araogennoù (Prepositions)

Prepositions are combined with the personal pronoun when relevant.

Eg. "Evid" (for) gives "Brezhoneg zo mat evidon." (Breton is good for me).

Preposition "From"

Preposition "A" (From)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Ac'hanon From me
Ac'hanout From you (sg.)
Anezhañ From him
Anezhi From her
Ac'hanomp From us
Ac'hanoc'h From you (pl.)
Anezho From them

Preposition "For"

Preposition "Evid" (For)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Evidon For me
Evidout For you (sg.)
Evitañ For him
Eviti For her
Evidomp For us
Evidoc'h For you (pl.)
Evito For them

Prepositions from the same type :

Davet (toward) : Davedon
Eget (than) : Egedon
Estreget (other than) : Estregedon
Evel (as) : Eveldon
Hep (without) : Hepdon
Nemet (but for) : Nemedon
Panevet (if it hadn't been for) : Panavedon

Preposition "Upon"

Preposition "War" (Upon)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Warnon Upon me
Warnout Upon you (sg.)
Warnañ, warnezhañ Upon him
Warni, warnezhi Upon her
Warnomp Upon us
Warnoc'h Upon you (pl.)
Warno, warnezho Upon them

Prepositions from the same type :

Diwar (of) : Diwarnon

Preposition "In"

Preposition "E (en)" (In)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Ennon In me
Ennout In you (sg.)
Ennañ In him
Enni In her
Ennomp In us
Ennoc'h In you (pl.)
Enno In them

Ne sonjan nemet ennoc'h !
I only think of you !

(Song from Nolwenn Korbell)

Prepositions from the same type :

Dindan (under) : Dindanon

Preposition "By"

Preposition "Dre" (By)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Drezon By me
Drezout By you (sg.)
Drezañ By him
Drezi By her
Drezomp By us
Drezoc'h By you (pl.)
Drezo By them

Prepositions from the same type :

A-raog (before) : Araozon
Dirak (in front of) : Dirazon
Kenetre (between) : Kenetrezomp
Eme (said I, said he, etc.) : Emezon
Etre (between) : Etrezomp
Hep (without) : Hepzon
Hervez (According to) : Hervezon
Rak (before) : Razon

Preposition "To" / "Toward"

Preposition "Da" (Toward)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Din Toward me
Dit Toward you (sg.)
Dezhañ Toward him
Dezhi Toward her
Dimp, Deomp Toward us
Deoc'h Toward you (pl.)
Dezho Toward them

Preposition "Against"

Preposition "Ouzh" (Against)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Ouzhin Against me
Ouzhit Against you (sg.)
Outañ Against him
Outi Against her
Ouzhimp Against us
Ouzhoc'h Against you (pl.)
Outo Against them

Prepositions from the same type :

A-zioc'h (above) : Aziouzhin
Diouzh (from) : Diouzhin

Preposition "With"

Preposition "Gant" (With)
BrezhonegEnglish meaning
Ganin With me
Ganit With you (sg.)
Gantañ With him
Ganti With her
Ganimp, Ganeomp With us
Ganeoc'h With you (pl.)
Ganto With them

Prepositions from the same type :

Digant (from) : Diganin

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