Lesson 4/Kentell PevarThis uses vocabulary from both Level 1 and Level 2 Diviz (Dialogue)Yann is speaking to his Mum, Soazig Yann : Mintin vat mamm, mat ar jeu?
Poelladenn (Exercice)Write down this dialogue, without looking at the answers below, and translate it, try to do it from memory Extra vocab Sizhun Week Tre or Kenañ Very Tra Thing Labour Work/Job Kavet -> Kavout To find -> Found Eta or 'ta So AnswersYann : Mintin vat Mamm, mat ar jeu? Morning good Mum, Good the game ?
Good Morning Mum, How are you
Soazig : Demat dit Yann, laouenn on, trugarez braz, ha te? Good day to you Yann, happy I am, thank big, and you ?
Good day Yann, I'm happy, thank you, and you?
Yann : Mat kenañ, mersi dit Mamm. Good much, thank to you Mum. In good health, thanks mum Soazig : Eta, petra ho peus graet holl ar sizhun? N'em eus ket gwelet te holl ar sizhun! So, what have you done all the week? I haven't seen you all the week! So, what have you done all week? I haven't seen you all week. Yann : Me a zeskas Brezhoneg, dreist eo! I learnt breton, brilliant is! I learnt Breton, its brilliant! Soazig : Mat a wallac'h, Ho, me 'zo bet d'ar stal hiziv ha m'em eus gwelet Laouenna, ar vatezhez ar c'hafe Good enough, Oh, I went to the shop today and I saw Lowena, the servant of the pub. Okay, Oh, I went to the shop today and saw Lowena, the Barmaid Yann : Splann, petra he deus lavaret? Excellent, what she has said? Excellent, what did she say? Soazig : Hi a gwelas te er c'hafe, te a lavaras dezhi te oa o teskiñ Brezhoneg She saw you in the pub, you told her you were learning Breton! She saw you in the Pub, you told her you are learning Breton! Yann : Ya, hi 'zo o teskiñ Brezhoneg ivez! Yes, she is learning Breton too! Yes, She is learning Breton too! Soazig : Mat, Eta, M'em eus kavet labour, en un iliz. Good, Then, I have found work, in a church. Nice, So, I found a job, in a church. Yann : Se 'zo mat tre. That is good very That is very Good Soazig : Ho, me 'zo o vond d'al labour bremañ, Kenavo mab Oh, I'm going to work now, Good bye Son Oh, I'm going to work now, Good bye Son Yann : Chañs vat Mamm, Kenavo. Good luck Mum, good bye Good luck Mum, good bye |