The Present Tense, Continuous Tense & Situation TenseIrregular verb - "To be" / "Bezañ"Personal form & impersonal formThe Present Tense and the Continuous Tense have two forms : These two forms allow to insist upon either the subject (impersonal form) or the complement, the attribute, the object (personal form). For example : The english sentence "I am wise" may be translated in two ways :
Continuous TenseThe Continuous Tense is used for repetitive or continued actions. If we take the same example :
When translating from Breton to English allow your native language instinct to sort out in which case the simple present (I speak Breton) or the present continuous (I am speaking Breton) is more appropriate and idiomatic.
Situation TenseThe Situation Tense is used to indicate the place (in space or time) where the subject is or, in a wider meaning, its position (social, etc.). Example :
Impersonal passiveThis mode is used when the subject is not known or not precisely defined. In English, this would often be translated by "they". For instance, "e oar" would give "they are".
Regular verb - "To write" / "Skrivañ"Personal form & impersonal formThe Present Tense and the Continuous Tense have two forms : the personal form and the impersonal form. These two forms allow to insist upon either the subject (impersonal form) or the complement, the attribute, the object (personal form). Auxiliary formA verb can also be used with an auxiliary (most often the verb Ober to do) to insist upon the action itself. For instance, skrivañ a ran ul levr (I write a letter) will be used to insist upon the verb skrivañ (to write).
Progressive Form
(H!) Hard Mutation Following letters are affected:
ez on o kaozeal Brezhoneg. The progressive form may not always be translated by the construction "o" + (verbal noun). In some cases, other constructions are more appropriate : 1/ To mark intention : Dre + (verbal noun)
2/ Unexpected result : En eur + (verbal noun)
3/ Evolution : Mont war + (verbal noun) / To go toward + verbal noun In the following sentences, this yields : war (verbal noun) ez a ...
NegationsSince you want to be able to make negative statements as well as ask questions, here’s what you need to do: Take the long present tense of bezañ (to be) and replace the particle ez with ne (or ned or n' before a vowel) and add ket after the verb in order to make a negative statement:
N'on ket o komz Brezhoneg. QuestionsTo formulate a question simply use the affirmation form : ez on? am I? Ez on o komz Brezhoneg? Sometimes, a question will be preceded by "Ha" (And) or even, when insisting, by "Daoust ha" (equivalent to "Is is true that ..."). Ha is replaced by Hag before a vowel. Hag ez out o skrivañ ul lizer?
Exercises/OberSelf training
Now you have seen how its done. Take the verbs from Level 2 and write them down if you haven't already. Now change them into their Present tense.
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