Basic Grammar rulesSentence structureEnglish is an adjective-noun-language. Eg. The big man went to Brittany. (adj.) (noun) (verb) Breton on the other hand is a noun-adjective-language, which means that the noun comes before the adjective. Eg. An den bras a zo aet da Vreizh. (article) (noun) (adjective) (verb) da Vreizh. Literally: The man big went to Brittany.
ArticlesDefinite articles: al before "l" an before "n", "d", "t", "h" and vowels ar before other letters Example:
ul before "l" un before "n", "d", "t", "h" and vowels ur before other letters Pronunciation : ul = eul, un = eun, ur = eur. Example:
Combination: "e" (in) is contracted with the article (al, an, ar) to give: el before "l" en before "n", "d", "t", "h" and vowels er before other letters ExercisesWrite the following sentences with the correct grammar. The man is big. (Words : an (the), a zo (is), den (man) , braz (big)) The new church is beautiful. (Words : an, a zo, iliz (church), nevez (new), brav (beautiful) The big man went into the church, thereafter, to the old town hall. (Words : an (the), da (to), ebarzh (into), goude se (after that, thereafter), kozh (old), nevez (new), den (man), braz (big), Ti-Ker (Town Hall), a zo aet (went))
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