We would like to thank the Blender Foundation and Blender community for this terrific software and the great support.
Noob to Pro Wikibook Team Members
Click here to view the most recent contributions.
- Zachary Iwanicki (The ZacMan)
- Wilson Birney (Big Bill57)
- Louie Monday (BlueRooster)
- Fred M'ule(tyrant monkey)
- David Millet (spiderworm)
- Arthur Tombs (Lazy-lump)
- Louie Monday (BlueRooster)
- Jeremy Buller (bullercruz1)
- Fred M'ule (tyrant monkey)
- Taylor DeHaven (Dracon Malphus)
- David Millet (spiderworm)
- Arthur Tombs (Lazy-lump)
- Jim Martens (jmartens)
- Akili Pomian (Winterbourne)
- Judi Salva (salva816)
- Allan Rempel (lotrf3)
- Charles (Casimir)
- Sean Redmond (Froggy220)
- Evan Carroll
- Chovynz
- Jackson Williams (Malaz)
- Richard
- Electro
- Eric Mareth, Junior Editor
- Ken Samson, (Ksamson)
- thegodofbigthings
- PE Arts
- JamesNZ
- Nyarko Rexford N.
- 01mf02 - Doing the small, boring work :-)
- Allefant - Worked on panorama rendering and python scripting.
- Ask - Putting some images and comments in the tutorials.
- AndyD - Wrote the tutorials - Lip-Sync with Shape Keys, Bouncing Ball with Lattice.
- AndyGeers - Made some changes to 'Armature Object in Edit Mode'.
- Animajosser - Updating, Smoothing and correcting pages. Checking table of contents.
- Averie Zen - Created Simple Vehicle series
- AttilaMH - Updated Beginner and Game Engine tutorials
- Beuc - Clarifications and fixes (October 2010)
- Blenderizer - Updated and added on to tutorials.
- Jeremy B. - Updated + added many tutorials and information.
- Bmud - Clean up, typography, grammar poker. I hope I can finish a game engine tutorial soon.
- Brett: Made pages more printer-friendly, added instructions on how to print a section.
- Camel - Proportional Editing tutorial, other fun stuff.
- Chw333 - Added a draft tute on creating smoke using particle system.
- Crouch - Doing some tiny jobs
- darkness_openz - rox!
- Darkonc - Newbie adding and fixing stuff as I read.
- David Osborn - Python import scripting
- Dragontamer - Created Print Version
- EatMyShortz - Clean up and expansion of articles.
- Electro - Working through the grammar, spelling, templates, fixing as I go.
- Firework - Minor stuff to start...
- Freakazoid - Just a few edits ;-)
- Gabio - Advanced Animation Section.
- Goeland86 - Various tutorials and screenshots.
- Ed Halley - library usage, modeling tips, proofreading
- Hrakaroo - Noob, fixing as I work through the tutorials.
- Ideasman42 - Python OBJ exporter example in advanced tutorials, Radiosity Baking.
- Iluvblender - Proofreading and provide blend file examples.
- IqAndreas - Just made a few edits and corrections when I noticed them.
- Jackson Williams (Malaz) - Wrote the BGE maze tutorial
- Matthew Bowker (Matthewrbowker) - Images and minor edits
- Jawboot - Edit miner.
- justthisguy - Wrote the spin&extrude mug tutorial.
- Kent Tong- Noob, making the tutorials easier to understand as I work through them.
- Loki Clock - Author of Platformer 1 & 3, Python Platformer 1. Contributor to Procedural Object Creation and Platformer 2.
- Milky - Started the "Noob to Pro/Cool Things" section.
- Mixelpix - small edits from the 2D non-linear video/audio editing perspective... oHai!
- morerunes - Weapons from Pictures ^_^
- Oracleoftruth - Various small edits, started tutorial on bones.
- Orbisonitrum - Penguins from spheres.
- ParallaxTZ - Link edits for continuity between ToC and individual pages.
- popski - MemoBook & misc...
- Quantum Anomaly - The 3D Tiling Backgrounds tutorial.
- RadialRonnie - Wrote several tutorials on previously hazy subjects, and did minor edits to improve readability, clarity, and the like.
- Randolf Richardson (a.k.a. "") - Mostly many minor grammar and format improvements.
- Robstafarian - Miscellaneous copy editing and consistency checking, with an eye toward improved collaboration among frequent contributors.
- saysaknow - Clean up.
- Sendoshin - Updated WikiBooks Collection (for PDF and PoD), minor cleanup.
- Snargle - Started the hotkeys section, before signing up.
- socratesone - Fleshed out the majority of the "putting the hat on" section (Rotation/Location/Scale).
- Sonic4spuds - Random small edits and improvements, hopefully something bigger soon.
- SoylentGreen - Wrote Piston, Rod and Crank and the updated Cutting Through Steel tutorials.
- Soeb - Images and minor edits.
- David Millet (spiderworm) - Original author, turned long-time deserter
- Spikespeigel42 - Edits, general cleanups, and adding what little i know to the articles with no content
- Stepheng3 - Improving clarity.
- SumOfwHoly - Contributing Editor with regards to consistency.
- Sumoncil - Wrote the low-poly face tutorial.
- Surphaze - Some texturing tutorials.
- Sergeant Oreo - Light examples, wrote the Procedural Landscape tutorial and did various maintenance.
- TBOL3 - Adding small tips to make the tutorials more understandable. Also adding a few other tutorials.
- twentytortures - Working on fur/hair.
- Wavez - Currently writing a rigging tutorial
- Wwwwolf - Simple hat.
- Yosun Chang - clarifications, screenshots, tutorial .blend files
- zaknafien - Minor proofreading tweaks.
- ZeroOne - Images, edits and extensions to existing pages.
- Zeviion - Wrote the NLA intro tutorial.
- Nyarko Rexford N. - Improving pages
Joining the Team
Everyone needs a place to belong. If you have nowhere else to go, we'll take ya! By joining up with the team, you'll be able to participate in our uphill swim as we work to turn Blender 3D: Noob to Pro into a real winner. Take a look at the current tasks below to get an idea of how you can help. Add yourself to the team list above and get started helping out. It doesn't matter if you know nothing about virtual design, you can also be an artist. So join the team.
Current Needs
- For every page:
- editors to improve the page
- editors to review changes
- For every module:
- Make sure the module has navigation templates at the top and bottom. (Use NAV template. See the demo page for an example.)
- Make sure the module order agrees with the Table of Contents
- For every tutorial module:
- Test with current stable release -- some tutorials are several years old.
- Tutorials need to be taught visually. Overlay renders and screenshots with instructions. (See the demo page for an example).
- Make sure all modules/pages are included in the Table of Contents and the printable versions (as appropriate; see below).
- Make sure that the printable versions follow the Table of Contents.
- Create beautiful renders and screenshots.
- Add word definitions to the glossary page
- There are additional suggestions at Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Todo.
- Searches:
- Recent Contributions
- Mainspace Subpages
- Project Pages:
- Commons:Category:Blender 3D
- Printable Versions:
- The Whole Book (PDF or Print-on-Demand)
- Alternate Version of the Whole Book (pages included inline so the entire book is one web page)
- The First Two Units
Templates Specific to this Book
See our template category for a complete list.
- {{B3D:N2P/Do}} — used to format keystrokes and mouse buttons in tutorials
- {{B3D:N2P/FirstUse}} — used to highlight the first use of a word or phrase
- {{B3D:N2P/Hidden begin}} — used in conjunction with {{Hidden end}} to hide information that would otherwise break the flow of the text
- {{B3D:N2P/Manual}} — used to refer to a page in the Blender Manual
- {{B3D:N2P/Module}} — used to refer to another module in this wikibook
- {{B3D:N2P/NAV}} — a navigation template for use at the top and bottom of all modules, to help wikibook users quickly flip to the next (or previous) module
- {{B3D:N2P/Note}} — to highlight key points in text
- {{B3D:N2P/VTT1}} — "visual teaching template #1" — for overlaying text instructions onto an image
- {{B3D:N2P/Web}} — used to refer to a page at another website
General-purpose Templates Used
- {{BookCat}} — to categorize pages which belong to a book
- {{Clear}} — to separate the text in a new section from the previous section's images
- {{Red}}, {{Green}}, and {{Blue}} — to display text in color
- {{Warning}} — to highlight information about hazards
- {{Wikipedia-inline}} — to refer to Wikipedia articles
See also: Wikibooks:Templates/General
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.