< Biostatistics with R

Formular with R

Formular NumberNameFormularFormular with R
3.2.1Classical probabilityExample
3.2.2Relative frequency probabilityExample
3.3.1–3.3.3Properties of probability

3.4.1Multiplication ruleExample
3.4.2Conditional probabilityExample
3.4.3Addition ruleExample
3.4.4Independent eventsExample
3.4.5Complementary eventsExample
3.4.6Marginal probabilityExample
Sensitivity of a screening testExample
Specificity of a screening testExample
3.5.1Predictive value positive of a screening testExample
3.5.2Predictive value negative of a screening testExample
Symbol Key
  • = disease
  • = Event
  • = the number of times an event E_i occurs
  • = sample size or the total number of times a process occurs
  • =Population size or the total number of mutually exclusive and equally likely events
  • = a complementary event; the probability of an event A, not occurring
  • =probability of some event E_i occurring
  • =an “intersection” or “and” statement; the probability of an event A and an event B occurring
  • =an “union” or “or” statement; the probability of an event A or an event B or both occurring
  • =a conditional statement; the probability of an event A occurring given that an event B has already occurred
  • =test results
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