< Beginner's Guide to Adobe Flash

At first glance, type may seem an easily overlooked feature in Flash. However, the text features in Flash are very comprehensive and allow the user to explore their typographic creativity. Flash uses vectors to create type. Vectors are mathematical algorithms used in programs such as Adobe Flash and Adobe Illustrator to create shapes that are both scalable and small in file size. In contrast, bitmap or raster images are created pixel by pixel yielding subtle color detail such as in photographs. Vector type is a great choice for Flash because it allows for precise lines and scalability without inflating file size.

Using the Text Tool

Adobe has introduced new font rendering capabilities that allow for anti-aliased text in animation increasing the readability of the text. However, because of this feature, anti-aliased text created with Flash cannot be rendered when opened by versions older than Flash 7.

Flas incorporates three main types of text: static, dynamic, and input text. Static text is display text which is not changed at run time. Dynamic text fields are updated or changed at runtime via an outside source such as a text file. Input text are text fields for user input at runtime such as a message post or username. These three categories of type will be further explained in the following sections.

The text tool bar in Flash is similar to those found in other creative application software. Many of the options will look familiar such as the ‘font menu’, ‘kerning’, ‘color’, ‘size’, ‘alignment’, ‘bold’, and ‘italic.’ The best way to get acquainted with the text tool bar is to observe the layout and features:

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