A Guide to Bees, Beekeeping and Associated Practices Beekeeping is being designed as an all-purpose broad scope reference book pertaining to apiculture, including information regarding bees, beekeeping and associated practices. Although Beekeeping is being written with the initial intent in aiding hobbyist, it is a growing resource that could also aid commercial beekeepers similarly. This Wiki book however, is not being written in a completely linear manner. Because of the writing style of this book, through the act of simply reading it chapter-by-chapter content will be lost. Reading in this manner should still prove to be worthwhile, but more topics and greater depth may be uncovered by following links within the text. Much like other Wiki based texts, Beekeeping is dependent on the collaborative effort of the community. If you have read your fill of this book and have some extra information that you can add, we request you do so, but before submitting please visit the Editing Guidelines and Information page. |
An Introduction to Beekeeping
Types of Beekeepers
- Residential Beekeeping
- Hobby Beekeeping
- Sideline Beekeeping
- Commercial Beekeeping
Types of Bees
- Bumblebees
- Solitary Bees
- Semi-Social Bees
- Honey Bees
- Anatomy of the Queen
- Anatomy of the Worker
- Anatomy of the Drone
- Anatomy of the Larva and Pupa
- Social Life
- Dance Language
- Pheromones
- Fanning
- Flight
- Guard
- Robbing
- Swarming
- Color and Object Recognition
- Learning
Hives for honeybees

Langstroth Hive
Bottom Board
- Telescopic Cover
- Garden Cover
- Inner Cover
- Migratory Cover
Entrance Modifier
- Entrance Feeder
- Hive Top Feeder
- Frame Feeder
Hive Bodies
- Brood Nest
- Supers
- Comb Honey Supers
Other Hive Parts
- Hive Stand
- Queen Excluder
- Sticky Board
Top Bar Hives
- Kenya Top Bar Hive
- Tanzania Top Bar Hives
- Top Bars
Other Hive Designs
- Beegum Hive (antiquated)
- Natural Hive
- Observation Hive
- Skep Hives (antiquated)
- Tile Hive (antiquated)
- WBC Hive (traditional but now uncommon British Hive)
- British National (or Modified National)
- Smith Hive
- Commercial (and Modified Commercial)
- Dadant
- Warre/People's Hive and variants
Obtaining Hive Parts
- Buying New
- Buying Used
- Building
Tools and Equipment

Hive Manipulation
- Hive Tool
- Frame Grip
Bee Manipulation
Protective Gear
- Veil
- Bee Suit
- Bee Gloves
Build Up and Maintenance
- Embedders
- Frame Cleaner
- Foundation Press
First Steps with Bees
Obtaining Bees
Packaged Bees
- Caring for a Package of Bees
- Hiving a Packages
Nucs and Existing Hives
- Moving Hives
- Hiving Nucs
Swarms and Feral Hives
- Swarm Baiting
- Swarms Capture
- Hiving Swarms
- Collecting Feral Hives
- Hiving Feral Hives
Acquiring Queen Bees
- Introducing the Queen
- Handling the Queen
Hive Management

Standard Hive Management
Advanced Hive Management
- Swarm Prevention
- Producing Comb Honey
- Marking the Queen
- Queen Rearing
Seasonal Management
- Spring Management
- Summer Management
- Fall Management
- Winter Management
Hive Products

Forms of Honey
- Extracted Honey
- Comb Honey
- Chunk Honey
- Creamed Honey
- Adulterated Honey
Processing Honey
- Extracting Honey
- Packaging Honey
- Selling Honey
Using Honey
Honey Tools
- Uncapping Tools
- Comb Cutter
- Honey Extractor
- Honey Press
- Refractometer
- Cosmetic Formulas
- Candle Making
Wax Tools
- Wax Melting
- Wax Processing
Royal Jelly
Special Practices
Bee Manipulation
- Biological Beekeeping
- Small Cell Regression
Hive Manipulations
- Joining Hives
- Splitting Hives
- Migratory Beekeeping
Disease and Pests

- Tracheal Mite (Acarine Disease)
- Varroa Mites
- Acute Bee Paralysis (ABP)
- Amoeba
- Chronic Paralysis Virus (CPV)
- Dysentery
- Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV)
- Nosema
- Septicemia
Brood Disease
- American Foul Brood (AFB)
- Chalkbrood
- European Foul Brood (EFB)
- Sacbrood
- Stonebrood
- Pesticides
Plants for Bees
- Pollination Process
- Plants for Honey Bees
- Plants for Bumblebees
- Plants for Solitary Bees
Special Interest
- Africanized Honey Bee
- Allergies
- Gaining Support of Friends and Neighbors
- Phobia
- Evolution of the Honey Bee
- Impact of Man
- Historical Beekeeping Practices
- Beekeeping Glossary
- Beekeeper’s Guide to Essential Oils
- Beekeeping Clubs and Associations
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Images and Illustrations
- Manufacturers and Resources
- Other Reference Material
- Recipes for the Bees