< Becoming a Private Pilot


A standard landing is just that, standard. If the runway is well light, dry, smooth, and no obstructions at either end of the runway. Your landing would be standard.

Short Field

With a short field landing, you have almost no room for error. Make sure you establish an approach with a low speed. For a Cessna 152, a steady 60kias will do. Sometimes it is necessary to slip your aircraft (Forward Slip), to lose altitude fast without increasing airspeed. As you cross over the threshold, reduce power to idle, after your flare, apply full brakes and back pressure.

Soft Field

Would be the same as a Standard landing or a Short field landing expect once you flare. To prevent your wheels to dig in to a soft runway, like grass, sometimes you must extend your flare. When you flare, you might need to add a notch of power, to prevent your nose gear from digging in. Once all wheels are on the ground , retract flaps to 0.


A Go-Around happens when a pilot aborts a landing. This might be due from a obstruction on the runway, or the pilot's approach being too high or too low. A Go-Around is also called a Balked Landing. To perform a go-around in a typical flight training aircraft, like a Cessna 152 or Cessna 172: FIRST advance throttle to full open, to prevent the aircraft of touching the ground, maintaining the ground separation, slowly retract flaps, continuing with a steady rate of climb and speed. Advice the tower or CTAF.

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