आयुषो वेदः आयुर्वेदः ॥
Ayurveda means the knowledge of life.
['आयु' is life and 'वेदः' is knowledge]

Ayurveda (pronounced eye-yur-VAY-dah) is an Indian traditional system of medicine. It's based on the ancient Indian mythological books and west number of medical literature mostly narrated by ancient doctors like Charaka, Susritha, Vaghbhata. Some of these techniques are followed successfully nowadays.


Ayurveda is mainly classified with the hypothesis of 3 humors.

These are recognized as being fundamental of health and disease and are seen in the processes of growth, maintenance, and decay. Equilibrium of these 3 humors is called health and disturbances in equilibrium known as disease.Their actions are named anabolism, metabolism, and catabolism in the western sciences <reference needed>. Life, light, and love exemplify all these energies and are found in our environments at every moment on every level.

These energies combine in limitless ways to create the unique qualities of each individual. When you become aware of these qualities within yourself, you take the first steps toward creating a healthy life. Ayurveda assists you in identifying these energies in your body and shows you how to more fully experience their gifts and to gain freedom from their limitations. By working with the body's unique nature, you are able to create true health.

In the Ayurvedic approach to life and health, we recognize how these energies are at work at each moment in our bodies and minds. When we recognize this, we can begin to create balance for ourselves by countering the destructive forces with positive actions.

Mechanism of action

With Ayurveda, we acknowledge that beneficial daily habits are different for each person, because each person is a unique combination of these three energies. Everybody has all three energies- though people experience each of them to a greater or lesser degree. Ayurveda can be a mirror that reflects our true nature and maps out the path for a return to the lives of vitality that we are meant to have.

Everyday Ayurveda would like to assist you on this healing journey by providing more information for discovering your underlying nature using Ayurvedic principles. Once you are familiar with this, you can bring balance to the body through the foods you eat and how you eat them, daily practices including exercise, rest and massage, and five-sense therapies utilizing color, aroma, taste, touch, and sounds.

Your health is your business!

Everyday Ayurveda provides introductory classes on Ayurvedic principles and how you can apply these principles to live a fully balanced life. Ayurveda is an affordable, accessible daily practice for creating health and harmony in your body and in your environment. Once you begin to incorporate these principles in your daily activities, you will see positive benefits in every aspect of your life.

There is not one food, herb, or activity that is Ayurvedic. You already have many practices that create balance in your life. When this brings clarity and healing at the deepest level, you are practicing Ayurveda.

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