< Artificial Intelligence

This is the local manual of style (WB:LMOS) for the Artificial Intelligence book.

It would be good to decide on some editing policy beforehand. I propose at least the following guidelines:

  • single-slash flat namespace for subpages. In other words, Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to Neural Networks
  • Code fragments in pseudocode. We could set up an appendix with example code in C/Lisp/Prolog, but basic code fragments in the chapters should be pseudocode.

Expression of Interest to Contribute in Artificial Intelligence WikiBooks

Dear All,

I would like to express my interest to contribute in the content of the Artificial Intelligence WikiBooks. I would also like to welcome Prof Lim, Dr Wong, etkhor, JeanneCMH and thank you for agreeing to contribute into this AI Wikibooks. We will try our best in contributing our knowledge and editing skills in this open content and fulfill global access to educational materials.

Thanks! Shchung (discuss • contribs) 02:39, 18 September 2014 (UTC)

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