To create a link between two programs. both open camd.library, and make a node using CreateMidi(). Now to communicate, just create a link to a named location. AddMidiLink. The second program does the same except it uses it's own node, and receiver. Now every MIDI event sent by program A will be received by program B. Also, any other programs that go looking for places to connect will see "uniquename" as an option. They can send to it or receive from it.
One way to get spot on playback is to convert every event time into an offset from the start of the music. Then on playback, send all events with a timestamp earlier or equal to "now", then sleep until Music_Start_Time + offset to next event.
USB will poll and find all midi devices automatically
Amiga CAMD
The original Commodore Amiga MIDI Driver (CAMD) is a shared library for AmigaOS which provides a general device driver for MIDI data, so that applications can share MIDI data with each other in real-time, and interface to MIDI hardware in a device-independent way. AmigaOS itself did not support MIDI until release 3.1 when Roger Dannenberg's CAMD library was adapted as the standard MIDI API. Commodore's version of CAMD also included a built-in driver for the Amiga serial port. Read more here
AmigaOS 4
Using the AROS version early on as a base, but eventually around 2012, the current version of camd is 41.1 (26.11.2016) which was a mostly closed source rewrite and the most up to date with src is on 50.8
A Camd library was rewritten w/src and is compatible was started in the early 2000s.
Preferences->Environment are the connections for the sychronization. There are two kinds of synchronization:
- controlled by MIDI-clocks (short "clocks" in the Environment window)
- controlled by MIDI-Time-Code (short "MTC")
MIDI-Clocks only sync the tempo between two MIDI-devices independent when it starts or stops, and MIDI-Time-Code syncs also the timepoint. The MTC is mostly used by synchronization to a special time schedule, like in Power-Point-, Video- or Diapostive presentations.
The sequencer itself in BarsnPipes needs the MIDI-IN and OUT-Tools. These tools are missing currently in the onboard version. We need the mentioned driver as bridge between the Poseidon-USB-System and the CAMD (Commodore Amiga MIDI Driver) - system. The new camd.library does not have a built-in driver for the serial-port. Just use mmp/port 0 instead. It should be more stable than the old internal driver too.
Only copy the driver(s) you use into devs:midi/. Dont have more than one type of driver for the same hardware in devs:midi/. Ie, don`t have both mmp and uaemidi (which both uses the serial-port), for example out.0, out.1, out.2, in.0, in.1, etc. does not exist anymore. The links will have the names <drivername>.out.0, <drivername>.out.1, <drivername>.in.0, etc. instead.
MIDI playback by CAMD has always required the name of the output cluster. In the beginning it was almost always "out.0", and many programs are hard coded for that value only. The CAMD documents state that we ask the user for their desired output, and save that on a per application basis.
Modern PC Hardware unfortunately does not support the transmission speed of MIDI: 31.25 kBaud over the serial port. In addition to that, a so-called MIDI interface is needed, which converts the serial signals for MIDI. The serial transmission on the AMIGA was so nice and easy, because there the transmission speed was freely programmable.
Ten years later AROS still needs implementing a camd.library USB driver before MIDI becomes usable on AROS, the m68k asm src version is at the bottom of this page which needs converting to c
Midi Specs
Link Links Application ----------> Cluster ----------> Application <---------- Application Node Node
Each node is hardware, interface or application
MIDI_Name (STRPTR) name of the node, usually the program name MIDI_SignalTask (struct Task *) Task to be signaled, defaults to current task MIDI_RecvHook (struct Hook *) the hook to be called when new messages arrive MIDI_PartHook (struct Hook *) the hook to call when linkages are added or removed MIDI_RecvSignal (int8) the signal to send when messages arrive MIDI_PartSignal (int8) the signal to send when linkages are added or removed MIDI_MsgQueue (uint32) the desired size of incoming message queue MIDI_SysExSize (uint32) the desired byte size of the System Exclusive buffer MIDI_TimeStamp (uint32*) pointer to the desired MIDI time stamp source. MIDI_ErrFilter (uint16) the desired error filter for this node. see camd.h MIDI_ClientType (uint16) the desired client type for this node. see camd.h MIDI_Image (struct Image *) Image (suggested 32X32) for this node.
Links are created between nodes
MLINK_Name (STRPTR) name for this link MLINK_Location (STRPTR) Cluster to connect to, Case sensitive MLINK_ChannelMask (uint16) Mask of which MIDI channels to listen to, defaults to ~0 MLINK_EventMask (uint16) Mask of which types of MIDI events to listen for, defaults to ~0 MLINK_UserData (CPTR) User defined MLINK_Comment (STRPTR) highest priority link will comment the cluster MLINK_PortID (uint8) Value to copy to any msgs arriving through this link MLINK_Private (BOOL) if TRUE, link requests to be hidden MLINK_Priority (int8) priority of this MidiLink MLINK_SysExFilter (uint32) data is 3 1 byte SysEx ID's to filtter with MLINK_SysExFilterX (uint32) data is one 3 Byte SysEx ID to filter with MLINK_Parse (BOOL) If true, CAMD will parse incoming stream into MIDI Messages MLINK_ErrorCode, (uint32*) points to an error code buffer
A meeting of links from different applications or interfaces (in, out or both) is called a cluster. It allows messages from one link to get to other links automatically.
Link Links Application ----------> Cluster ----------> Application <---------- Application
You can use CAMD for inter-task comms all the time. Most MIDI messages are three bytes or less, but System Exclusive messages can be longer, within reason. All messages are passed between named ports
If multiple streams are sent to the same destination, they will be simply mixed together at reception. the receiver CAN tell from where each message came if it cares to look. You can also send multiple streams FROM a given port, each destination gets a copy of the messages. So mixing (merging) is easy, as is multicasting.
/* MidiMsg struct */ mm_Msg mm_Time mm_Status mm_Data1 mm_Data2 mm_Port mm_Data
GetMidi PutMidi
lower 4bits contains the channel number, if the MIDI messages is on a channel which does not match the bits set, then message is not used
what midi wants
note on/off program change pitch bend controller change MSB controller change LSB controller change Boolean switch controller change single byte controller parameter change undefined controllers mode change messages channel after touch polyphonic after touch system real-time messages (MIDI clock, MTC Quarter Frame) system common messages (Start, Stop, etc) system exclusive messages
#include <stdio.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/camd.h> #include <midi/camd.h> #define TABSIZE 4 struct Library *CamdBase=NULL; #ifndef GetMidiLinkAttrs ULONG GetMidiLinkAttrs(struct MidiLink *ml, Tag tag, ...){ return GetMidiLinkAttrsA(ml, (struct TagItem *)&tag ); } #endif #ifndef GetMidiAttrs ULONG GetMidiAttrs(struct MidiNode *ml, Tag tag, ...){ return GetMidiAttrsA(ml, (struct TagItem *)&tag ); } #endif struct MidiLink *GetMidiLinkFromOwnerNode(struct MinNode *node){ struct MidiLink dummy; return (struct MidiLink *)((char *)((char *)(node)-((char *)&dummy.ml_OwnerNode-(char *)&dummy))); } void printSpaces(int level){ int lokke; for(lokke=0;lokke<level*TABSIZE;lokke++){ printf(" "); } } void printLink_brancheNodes(struct MidiLink *midilink,int level,int maxlevel); void printLink_brancheClusters(struct MidiLink *midilink,int level,int maxlevel); void printCluster(struct MidiCluster *cluster,int level,int maxlevel); void printNode(struct MidiNode *midinode,int level,int maxlevel){ char *nodename=NULL; struct MinNode *node; if(level==maxlevel) return; GetMidiAttrs(midinode,MIDI_Name,(IPTR)&nodename,TAG_END); printSpaces(level); printf( "%p, -%s-\n", midinode, nodename ); if(level+1==maxlevel) return; if( ! (IsListEmpty((struct List *)&midinode->mi_OutLinks))){ printSpaces(level); printf(" -OutLinks:\n"); node=midinode->mi_OutLinks.mlh_Head; while(node->mln_Succ!=NULL){ printLink_brancheClusters(GetMidiLinkFromOwnerNode(node),level+1,maxlevel); node=node->mln_Succ; } } if( ! (IsListEmpty((struct List *)&midinode->mi_InLinks))){ printSpaces(level); printf(" -InLinks:\n"); node=midinode->mi_InLinks.mlh_Head; while(node->mln_Succ!=NULL){ printLink_brancheClusters(GetMidiLinkFromOwnerNode(node),level+1,maxlevel); node=node->mln_Succ; } } } BOOL printLink(struct MidiLink *midilink){ char *linkname=NULL; if(midilink->ml_Node.ln_Type==NT_USER-MLTYPE_Receiver || midilink->ml_Node.ln_Type==NT_USER-MLTYPE_Sender){ GetMidiLinkAttrs(midilink,MLINK_Name,(IPTR)&linkname,TAG_END); printf( "%p, -%s-\n", midilink, linkname ); return TRUE; } printf("%p, <driverdata> (private)\n",midilink); return FALSE; } void printLink_brancheNodes(struct MidiLink *midilink,int level,int maxlevel){ struct MidiNode *midinode; if(level==maxlevel) return; printSpaces(level); if(printLink(midilink)==TRUE){ midinode=midilink->ml_MidiNode; printSpaces(level); printf(" -Owner (MidiNode): \n"); printNode(midinode,level+1,maxlevel); } } void printLink_brancheClusters(struct MidiLink *midilink,int level,int maxlevel){ if(level==maxlevel) return; printSpaces(level); printLink(midilink); if(level+1==maxlevel) return; printSpaces(level); printf(" -Cluster: \n"); printCluster(midilink->ml_Location,level+1,maxlevel); } void printCluster(struct MidiCluster *cluster,int level,int maxlevel){ struct MidiLink *midilink; if(level==maxlevel) return; printSpaces(level); printf("clustername: -%s-\n",cluster->mcl_Node.ln_Name); if(level+1==maxlevel) return; if(!(IsListEmpty(&cluster->mcl_Receivers))){ printSpaces(level); printf(" "); printf("-Receiver links:\n"); midilink=(struct MidiLink *)cluster->mcl_Receivers.lh_Head; while(midilink->ml_Node.ln_Succ!=NULL){ printLink_brancheNodes(midilink,level+1,maxlevel); midilink=(struct MidiLink *)midilink->ml_Node.ln_Succ; } } if(!(IsListEmpty(&cluster->mcl_Senders))){ printSpaces(level); printf(" "); printf("-Sender links:\n"); midilink=(struct MidiLink *)cluster->mcl_Senders.lh_Head; while(midilink->ml_Node.ln_Succ!=NULL){ printLink_brancheNodes(midilink,level+1,maxlevel); midilink=(struct MidiLink *)midilink->ml_Node.ln_Succ; } } } int main(){ APTR lock; struct MidiCluster *cluster; CamdBase=OpenLibrary("camd.library",40L); if(CamdBase!=NULL){ lock=LockCAMD(CD_Linkages); cluster=NextCluster(NULL); if(cluster==NULL){ printf("No clusters available.\n"); }else{ printf("-Clusters:\n\n"); do{ printCluster(cluster,1,6); printf("\n"); cluster=NextCluster(cluster); }while(cluster!=NULL); } UnlockCAMD(lock); CloseLibrary(CamdBase); }else{ printf("Could not open at least V40 of camd.library.\n"); return 1; } return 0; }
#include <proto/camd.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <midi/camd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct MidiNode *ournode; struct MidiLink *to; MidiMsg mmsg; if((ournode = Camd->CreateMidi( MIDI_MsgQueue, 2048L, MIDI_SysExSize, 10000L, MIDI_Name, argv[0], TAG_END))) { if((to = Camd->AddMidiLink(ournode, MLTYPE_Sender, MLINK_Location, argv[1], TAG_END))) { mmsg.mm_Status = MS_Start; mmsg.mm_Data1 = 0; mmsg.mm_Data2 = 0; Camd->PutMidi(to, mmsg.mm_Msg); Camd->RemoveMidiLink(to); } Camd->DeleteMidi(ournode); } CloseLibrary(CamdBase); return 0; }
Create a midi-driver for camd.library
As its first action in the init-routine, Camd.library searches through all files in Devs:Midi/ and loads all possible midi-device drivers. For this, the drivers must of course be placed in the Devs:Midi directory.
The central point of a midi-device driver is the MidiDeviceData struct, which must be included in your binary, somewhere. Camd.library searches through your file to locate the structure. For this, there are some rules you have to follow, to let Camd.library recognize the driver as legal.
The structure looks like this (taken from Include/devs/camddevices.h):
struct MidiDeviceData { ULONG Magic; char *Name; char *IDString; UWORD Version; UWORD Revision; BOOL (ASM *Init)( REG(a6) APTR SysBase ); void (*Expunge)(void); struct MidiPortData *(ASM *OpenPort)( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum, REG(a0) ULONG (* ASM transmitfunc)(APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a1) void (* ASM receivefunc)(UWORD REG(d0) input,APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a2) APTR userdata ); void (ASM *ClosePort)( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum ); UBYTE NPorts; UBYTE Flags; };
- Magic - This one must contain the MDD_MAGIC constant, which is also found in Include/devs/midi/camddevices.h.
- Name Must contain the name of your file. I.e. if the name of the driver-file is "Pinnacle-Fiji", 'Name' must also be a pointer to a string containing "Pinnacle-Fiji". If 'Name' and the name of the file don't match, the driver will not be loaded. (However, this is not a requirement if 'Flags' is 0, more about that later).
- IDString pointer to a string describing your driver.
- Version 16 bit unsigned integer containing the version of the driver.
- Revision 16 bit unsigned integer containing the revision of the driver.
Must contain a pointer to a legal function. This is the first function to be called after the driver is loaded into memory. The function will be called with sysbase as its only argument and it must return FALSE if a necessary initialisation failed, and otherwise TRUE. If FALSE is returned, the 'Expunge'-function will not be called, so any resources already allocated before the failure will have to be freed from within the function, before returning. The 'Init'-function is normally called from the Camd.library's 'Init'-function, but due to some, hmm, bad design in AROS/Camd.library; you shouldn't be too sure the Forbid-state is not broken, so please call Forbid()/Permit() if that is needed.
In this function you may also set the 'Expunge', 'OpenPort', 'ClosePort' and 'NPorts' attributes if you want to. If they were not set before, you must set them now. This feature might be of use if you don't know how many ports are available before running. (As an example, if you want to make drivers for Turtle Beachs' pinnacle and fiji, instead of making two drivers, you just check if the device is pinnacle or fiji, and set 'NPorts' one or two higher for pinnacle than you would if it were a fiji, since pinnacle and fiji are very similar, apart from the fact that pinnacle has a built-in midi-synth and possibly an add-on synth-card.)
Expunge This function is called right before the driver is unloaded from memory. It is normally called from Camd.libraries Expunge-routine, but don't trust the Forbid()-state not to be broken.
Pointer to a function that is called from Camd.library the first time an application wants to use a specified port in your driver. It provides the following arguments:
- 'data' want to use this one if you don't want to have any global data in your driver. It points to your MidiDeviceData struct.
- 'portnum' The number of the port that wants to be used.
- 'transmitfunc' A pointer to a function you call when there is midi-data waiting to be sent thru the port. Important note: 'transmitfunc' is rather single-threaded, i.e. having two visitors simultaneously with the same 'userdata' will not work. Interrupts may be disabled when calling this one. More about the 'transmitfunc' below.
- 'receiverfunc' A pointer to a function you call when there is midi-data coming from the port that you want to distribute to the Camd.library. The 'receiverfunc' is rather single-threaded as well, so no more than one visitor at the time with the same 'userdata' (which shouldn't be necesarry to point out, though). Interrupts can not be disabled when calling because it signals a task. The 'input'-argument is the midi-byte you want to send to camd. It is not a message, just a single byte. If bit 8 is set, you tell Camd.library that there is overflow on the port. If your midi-device uses running status to lower the data-stream (which is almost always the case), you won't have to worry about that, since the receiverfunc in Camd.library handles running status.
- 'userdata' Pointer to unique data for this port that must be provided when calling the functions pointed to by 'transmitfunc' and 'receiverfunc'.
About the 'transmitfunc' and 'receiverfunc' arguments. They always point to the same functions, and could just as well have been provided with the Init-function. However, this is how Camd.library was designed from the start, and it probably won't be changed. Still, it is safe to keep just two pointers in your driver, containing 'transmitfunc' and 'receiverfunc'. See the debug-driver-source for example. And, most important, they can both be called from interrupts.
ClosePort A pointer to a function that is called when the last application that is using your port tells Camd.library that it doesn't need the port anymore.
NPorts Number of ports the driver provides. May be set directly at compile-time, or in the Init-function. If bit 0 in 'Flags' is not set, 'NPorts' must be set directly at compile-time (bit 0 in 'Flags' is only for the old driver-format, and you probably don't want to use that if you're reading this doc-file.)
Flags Only one flag is used for now, and that is bit 0. Don't set any other flags. If bit 0 is NOT set, camd.library knows that this is a driver of the old type. However, that mode is not very fit for the new camd.library, so please set this flag.
'OpenPort' should return a pointer to a MidiPortData struct. If the port could not be opened, you return NULL.
The MidiPortData struct looks like this:
struct MidiPortData { void (* ASM ActivateXmit)(ULONG REG(d0) portnum); };
'ActivateXmit' contains a pointer to a function in your driver that is called from Camd.library whenever Camd.library has some midi-data it wants to be distributed. In other words, when Camd.library calls this function, it is time for you to as soon as possible call the 'transmit'-function to get mididata. Here is an example how you can do that:
while((data=(transmitfunc)(UserData[portnum-1])!=0x100) SendDataToPort(portnum-1,data);
(Here, 'UserData' is an array of 'usedrata'. The 'userdata' is provided when 'OpenPort' is called.)
As you see, there might be more than one byte that is waiting to be picked up (that is actually the common case), and when there is no more data to be picked up, 'transmitfunc' returns 0x100.
Unlike the original driver-format, there's no harm in calling 'transmitfunc' even though there is no more data waiting to be picked up. (That's the most important change between the old and the new driver-format: How on earth are you able to know there aren't any more datas to be picked up for all possible situations?)
Also beware that 'ActivateXmit' might be called even though there's no more data to be picked up, and also while you are currently picking up data with another task or interrupt. But fortunately, 'ActivateXmit' will not be called again until you return, so it's single-threaded per port.
Note that 'transmitfunc' returns data that is optimized with running status, so if you are not sending data that is going to be directly transmitted via a midi-cable, or the place you are sending the data is in some way not able to handle running-status, you have to manually keep track of running status. But if this is the case, its probably better if you write a normal Camd.library application that makes a new cluster and you receive data via a hook, which you again distribute to wherever you want them. Then you'll get all status-bytes. (Applications using Camd.library don't see any difference between a normal driver and the driver-technique described here)
/* Copyright � 1995-2001, The AROS Development Team. All rights reserved. $Id$ Desc: Lang: English */ /********************************************************************************* Not a very good example at all. But at least it should prove that AROS is able to use camd-drivers. -Kjetil M. Compiling it up is easy. Its just like any other AROS-program, showed by this makefile: " debugdriver: debugdriver.o gcc -nostartfiles -nostdlib -Xlinker -i ../../lib/startup.o debugdriver.o -o debugdriver -L../../lib -larossupport -lamiga -larosc -larosm debugdriver.o: debugdriver.c makefile gcc debugdriver.c -c -I../../Include -Wall " ***********************************************************************************/ #include <proto/exec.h> #include <exec/types.h> #include <midi/camddevices.h> #include <libcore/compiler.h> #define NUMPORTS 4 struct ExecBase *SysBase; int main(void){ /* A camd mididriver is not supposed to be run directly, so we return an error. */ return -1; } /* Prototypes */ extern void kprintf(char *bla,...); BOOL ASM Init(REG(a6) APTR sysbase); void Expunge(void); SAVEDS ASM struct MidiPortData *OpenPort( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum, REG(a0) ULONG (* ASM transmitfunc)(APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a1) void (* ASM recievefunc)(UWORD REG(d0) input,APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a2) APTR userdata ); ASM void ClosePort( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum ); /* End prototypes */ /*********************************************************************** The mididevicedata struct. Note. It doesn't have to be declared with the const qualifier, since NPorts may be set at Init. You should set the name-field to the same as the filename, that might be a demand... ***********************************************************************/ const struct MidiDeviceData mididevicedata={ MDD_Magic, "debugdriver", "Debugdriver V41.0 (c) 2001 AROS - The AROS Research OS", 41, 0, Init, Expunge, OpenPort, ClosePort, NUMPORTS, 1 }; /**************************************************************** We only store sysbase, thats all we need in this example. Otherwise, you may want to open libraries, set number of ports, obtain interrupts, etc. ***************************************************************/ SAVEDS ASM BOOL Init(REG(a6) APTR sysbase){ SysBase=sysbase; return TRUE; } /**************************************************************** Nothing to do here. Normally, you may want to free memory, close some libraries, free some interrupts, etc. *****************************************************************/ void Expunge(void){ return; } ULONG (ASM *TransmitFunc)(REG(a2) APTR userdata); APTR UserData[NUMPORTS]; /**************************************************************** Normally, you may want to start an interrupt, or signal another task, or send a message to a port, that calls the transmit-function. But for this small example, sending the signal directly via kprintf is excactly what we want to do. ****************************************************************/ SAVEDS ASM void ActivateXmit(REG(a2) APTR userdata,ULONG REG(d0) portnum){ ULONG data; for(;;){ data=(TransmitFunc)(userdata); if(data==0x100) return; kprintf("Debugdriver has received: %lx at port %ld\n",data,portnum); } } struct MidiPortData midiportdata={ ActivateXmit }; /**************************************************************** This one is called whenever a program that has opened camd.library wants to use your services. ****************************************************************/ SAVEDS ASM struct MidiPortData *OpenPort( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum, REG(a0) ULONG (* ASM transmitfunc)(APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a1) void (* ASM recieverfunc)(UWORD REG(d0) input,APTR REG(a2) userdata), REG(a2) APTR userdata ){ /* We haven't got any receiver function, so we don't bother about storing the receiverfunc variable. */ TransmitFunc=transmitfunc; UserData[portnum-1]=userdata; return &midiportdata; } /**************************************************************** Nothing to do here. Normally, you may want to free memory, mark the port not to be in use anymore, delete a task, etc. *****************************************************************/ ASM void ClosePort( REG(a3) struct MidiDeviceData *data, REG(d0) LONG portnum ){ return; }
APTR LockCAMD(ULONG locktype) void UnlockCAMD(APTR lock) struct MidiNode *CreateMidiA(struct TagItem *tags) void DeleteMidi(struct MidiNode *midinode) BOOL SetMidiAttrsA(struct MidiNode *midinode, struct TagItem *tags) ULONG GetMidiAttrsA(struct MidiNode *midinode, struct TagItem *tags) struct MidiNode *NextMidi(struct MidiNode *midinode) struct MidiNode *FindMidi(STRPTR name) void FlushMidi(struct MidiNode *midinode) struct MidiLink *AddMidiLinkA(struct MidiNode *midinode, LONG type, struct TagItem *tags) void RemoveMidiLink(struct MidiLink *midilink) BOOL SetMidiLinkAttrsA(struct MidiLink *midilink, struct TagItem *tags) ULONG GetMidiLinkAttrsA(struct MidiLink *midilink, struct TagItem *tags) struct MidiLink *NextClusterLink(struct MidiCluster *cluster, struct MidiLink *midilink, LONG type) struct MidiLink *NextMidiLink(struct MidiNode *midinode, struct MidiLink *midilink, LONG type) BOOL MidiLinkConnected(struct MidiLink *midilink) struct MidiCluster *NextCluster(struct MidiCluster *last) struct MidiCluster *FindCluster(STRPTR name) void PutMidi(struct MidiLink *link, ULONG msg) BOOL GetMidi(struct MidiNode *midinode, MidiMsg *msg) BOOL WaitMidi(struct MidiNode *midinode, MidiMsg *msg) void PutSysEx(struct MidiLink *midilink, UBYTE *buffer) ULONG GetSysEx(struct MidiNode *midinode, UBYTE *Buf, ULONG len) ULONG QuerySysEx(struct MidiNode *midinode) void SkipSysEx(struct MidiNode *midinode) UBYTE GetMidiErr(struct MidiNode *midinode) WORD MidiMsgType(MidiMsg *msg) WORD MidiMsgLen(ULONG msg) void ParseMidi(struct MidiLink *midilink, UBYTE *buffer, ULONG length) struct MidiDeviceData *OpenMidiDevice(UBYTE *name) void CloseMidiDevice(struct MidiDeviceData *mididevicedata) LONG RethinkCAMD() void StartClusterNotify(struct ClusterNotifyNode *cn) void EndClusterNotify(struct ClusterNotifyNode *cn) APTR GoodPutMidi(struct MidiLink *midilink, ULONG msg, ULONG maxbuff) BOOL Midi2Driver(APTR driverdata, ULONG msg, ULONG maxbuff)
AddMidiLinkA() CloseMidiDevice() CreateMidiA() DeleteMidi() EndClusterNotify() FindCluster() FindMidi() FlushMidi() GetMidi() GetMidiAttrsA() GetMidiErr() GetMidiLinkAttrsA() GetSysEx() GoodPutMidi() LockCAMD() Midi2Driver() MidiLinkConnected() MidiMsgLen() MidiMsgType() NextCluster() NextClusterLink() NextMidi() NextMidiLink() OpenMidiDevice() ParseMidi() PutMidi() PutMidiMsg() PutSysEx() QuerySysEx() RemoveMidiLink() RethinkCAMD() SetMidiAttrsA() SetMidiLinkAttrsA() SkipSysEx() StartClusterNotify() UnlockCAMD() WaitMidi()
struct MidiLink * AddMidiLinkA( struct MidiNode * midinode, LONG type, struct TagItem * tags ); struct MidiLink * AddMidiLink( struct MidiNode * midinode, LONG type, TAG tag, ... );
Adds a midilink to a midinode. Inputs
midinode - Owner. type - MLTYPE_Receiver or MLTYPE_Sender tags - Tag-values supplied to SetMidiLinkAttrs. See also CreateMidiA() SetMidiLinkAttrsA()
void CloseMidiDevice( struct MidiDeviceData * mididevicedata );
Remind me to fill in things here later. See also OpenMidiDevice()
struct MidiNode * CreateMidiA( struct TagItem * tags ); struct MidiNode * CreateMidi( TAG tag, ... );
tags - Tag-values supplied to SetMidiAttrs. Result NULL if failed.
void DeleteMidi( struct MidiNode * midinode );
First deletes all midilinks attached to the midinode, then frees all buffers, before it frees itself.
void EndClusterNotify( struct ClusterNotifyNode * cn );
void EndClusterNotify(struct ClusterNotifyNode *) Inputs
pointer to previously added ClusterNotifyNode. Result
void Notes
DO NOT call with a ClusterNotifyNode that has not been added. Bugs
None known See also StartClusterNotify(),
struct MidiCluster * FindCluster(STRPTR name );
Finds a midicluster from camd's internal list of midiclusters. Inputs
name - Name of cluster to find. Result
NULL if cluster could not be found. Notes
- CL_Linkages must be locked before calling. See also FindMidi()
struct MidiNode * FindMidi( STRPTR name );
Finds the midinode with name 'name'. Inputs
name - Name of midinode to find. Result
NULL if no midinode with that name or a pointer to the midinode if success. Notes CL_Linkages must be locked.
void FlushMidi( struct MidiNode * midinode );
Remind me to fill in things here later. Bugs
Not tested. See also GetMidi() GetSysEx()
BOOL GetMidi( struct MidiNode * midinode, MidiMsg * msg );
Gets a message from a midinodes buffer. Inputs
midinode - pointer to midinode msg - The message is removed from the internal buffer and copied into msg. Result
TRUE if message was copied, FALSE if buffer was empty. See also WaitMidi()
ULONG GetMidiAttrsA( struct MidiNode * midinode, struct TagItem * tags ); ULONG GetMidiAttrs( struct MidiNode * midinode, TAG tag, ... );
If you are not the owner of the midinode, you should lock Camd before calling to ensure that it wont go away. See also SetMidiAttrsA(),
UBYTE GetMidiErr( struct MidiNode * midinode );
Gets the current error-state of a midinode. Inputs
midinode - pointer to midinode Result
0 if everything was okey, not 0 else. See also GetMidi() WaitMidi()
ULONG GetMidiLinkAttrsA( struct MidiLink * midilink, struct TagItem * tags ); ULONG GetMidiLinkAttrs( struct MidiLink * midilink, TAG tag, ... );
Remind me to fill in things here later. Notes
If you are not the owner of the midilink, you should lock Camd before calling to ensure that it wont go away. Theres no point in locking if you know it wont go away. See also SetMidiLinkAttrsA()
ULONG GetSysEx( struct MidiNode * midinode, UBYTE * Buf, ULONG len );
Remind me to fill in things here later. See also SkipSysEx() QuerySysEx()
APTR GoodPutMidi( struct MidiLink * midilink, ULONG msg, ULONG maxbuff );
This is a private function, and will probably be obsolete. Please don`t use. Result
NULL if success, driverdata if not. See also PutMidi() PutMidiMsg() Midi2Driver()
APTR LockCAMD( ULONG locktype );
Locks the internal lists in camd. You must call UnlockCAMD later. Inputs
locktype - Only CD_Linkages is legal. Result APTR to send to UnlockCAMD
BOOL Midi2Driver( APTR driverdata, ULONG msg, ULONG maxbuff );
This is a private function, and will probably be obsolete. Please don`t use. Result
TRUE if max(buffer,maxbuffer) was big enough to hold the message, FALSE if not. See also PutMidi() GoodPutMidi() PutMidiMsg()
BOOL MidiLinkConnected( struct MidiLink * midilink );
If midilink is a sender, returns FALSE if the cluster has no receivers. If midilink is a receiver, returns FALSE if the cluster has no senders. Else TRUE. Inputs midilink - pointer to midilink we want to check.
WORD MidiMsgLen( ULONG msg );
Returns the length of a midimessage. sysex message leads to a length of zero. Inputs msg - Message.
WORD MidiMsgType( MidiMsg * msg );
Return the type of a message (see <midi/camd.h>). sysex messages returns -1. Inputs
msg - midimessage. NextCluster()
struct MidiCluster * NextCluster( struct MidiCluster * last );
Finds the next cluster in camds list of clusters. Inputs last - cluster to start searching for. Result Next cluster in list, or first if 'last' is NULL.
#include <stdio.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/camd.h> #include <midi/camd.h> int main(){ APTR lock; struct MidiCluster *cluster; struct Library *CamdBase=OpenLibrary("camd.library",0L); if(CamdBase!=NULL){ lock=LockCAMD(CD_Linkages); cluster=NextCluster(NULL); if(cluster==NULL){ printf("No clusters available.\n"); }else{ do{ printf("clustername: -%s-\n",cluster->mcl_Node.ln_Name); cluster=NextCluster(cluster); }while(cluster!=NULL); } UnlockCAMD(lock); CloseLibrary(CamdBase); }else{ printf("Could not open camd.library.\n"); return 1; } return 0; }
- CL_Linkages must be locked.
- Often, a program wants to use this function for finding available
clusters a user can choose from. It is then recommended to also let the user have the possibility to write in the name of a new cluster, so that camd can make new clusters automatically to be used for communication between various applications without having hardware-drivers etc. interfere with the datastreams. Applications do not need to make special concerns about how cluster works or what they contain; that is all managed by camd.
See also NextMidiLink() NextMidi() FindCluster()
struct MidiLink * NextClusterLink( struct MidiCluster * cluster, struct MidiLink * midilink, LONG type );
Finds the next midilink of a specified type in a midicluster. Inputs
cluster - Pointer to the midicluster that the midilink belongs to. midilink - Pointer to the midilink to begin searching from. type - Either MLTYPE_Receiver or MLTYPE_Sender Result
Returns the next MidiLink of a spevified type, or NULL if the last in the list. If midilink is NULL, returns the first. Notes CL_Linkages must be locked.
struct MidiNode * NextMidi( struct MidiNode * midinode );
Returns the next midinode in the list of midinodes, or NULL if midinode was the last one. Inputs
midinode - The midinode to begin searching from. If NULL,
returns the first midinode in the list.
Notes CL_Linkages must be locked.
struct MidiLink * NextMidiLink( struct MidiNode * midinode, struct MidiLink * midilink, LONG type );
Returns the next MidiLink of a specified type that belongs to a midinode. Or NULL if midilink was the last. If midilink is NULL, returns the first one. Inputs type - MLTYPE_Sender or MLTYPE_Receiver.
Notes CL_Linkages must be locked.
struct MidiDeviceData * OpenMidiDevice( UBYTE * name );
See also CloseMidiDevice()
void ParseMidi( struct MidiLink * midilink, UBYTE * buffer, ULONG length );
Puts a midibuffer to a midilinks clusters midilinks midinodes and hardware. To help understand what it does, the following macro makes PutMidi use ParseMidi instead of calling camd.library's PutMidi function for small-endian cpus:
#define PutMidi(midilink,message) ParseMidi((midilink),&(message),MidiMsgLen(message))
(But please don't use this macro, since its not big-endian compatible, and that PutMidi is faster than ParseMidi)
If its more convenient to use PutMidi and PutSysEx instead of ParseMidi, do that. ParseMidi is a bit heavier function to use than PutMidi and PutSysEx.
MLINK_Parse must have be set when calling either AddMidiLinkA or SetMidiLinkAttrsA.
See also PutMidi() PutSysEx()
void PutMidi( struct MidiLink * link, ULONG msg );
Puts a midimessage to hardware and all sender-links that belongs to the midilink's cluster. Does only wait if a hardware send-buffer is full, and then tries again and again until the message is sent. Else, the function should return immediately. Inputs
link - pointer to the midilink to send to.
msg - The complete message to send. A message can not hold more
than 3 bytes, so it fits fine in a ULONG integer. See NOTES to see how a message is built up.
Sending an illegal message may have serious consequences. If you for some reason are not completely sure whether your message is legal, you could do the following test:
if((msg>>24)<0x80 || (msg>>24)==0xf0 || (msg>>24)==0xf7 || (msg>>16&0xff)>0x7f || (msg>>8&0xff)>0x7f){ debug("Warning, illegal midimessage: %x\n",msg); }else{ PutMidi(midilink,msg); }
See also PutMidiMsg()
PutMidiMsg( link, msg);
Calls PutMidi((midilink),(msg)->mm_Msg) Notes Implemented as macro.
void PutSysEx( struct MidiLink * midilink, UBYTE * buffer );
Distributes a SysEx message. First sends the message to the hardware and all midinodes connected to the midilinks cluster, then waits for the complete message to be sent to the hardware, if any. If a midinodes sysex-buffer is to small to carry the message, it will not be sent. If the buffer is big enough, but there is not enough room, a sysex-full-error will be set to the node. The message is sent to hardware regardless of transmit buffer size. Inputs
midilink - pointer to link. buffer - message to send, must start with 0xf0 and end with 0xf7.
No bytes higher than 0x7f are allowed in the message.
See also GetSysEx()
ULONG QuerySysEx( struct MidiNode * midinode );
Returns the number of bytes remaining in the current sys/ex message. Inputs
midinode - pointer to MidiNode Result Remaining bytes in sys/ex message. 0 is returned if the last message read from GetMidi() wasn't a sys/ex message. Bugs Tested. See also SkipSysEx() GetSysEx()
void RemoveMidiLink( struct MidiLink * midilink );
Removes and frees a midilink from the system. Inputs midilink - pointer to midilink to remove.
LONG RethinkCAMD();
Make camd reload midi preferences. Result 0 on success. Bugs Not implemented.
BOOL SetMidiAttrsA( struct MidiNode * midinode, struct TagItem * tags ); BOOL SetMidiAttrs( struct MidiNode * midinode, TAG tag, ... );
tagList -- pointer to an array of tags describing the player's
attributes or NULL.
MIDI_Name (STRPTR) -- The name of the midinode; default is NULL or a pointer to a string. MIDI_SignalTask (struct Task *) -- Task to signal whenever a midimessage is arriving to the node; default is the task of the caller of this function. (FindTask(NULL)) MIDI_RecvHook (struct Hook *) -- Function to call whenever a midimessage is arriving to the node. You should get the midimessage as the first argument in the function, however, that has not yet been implemented. Default is NULL. MIDI_PartHook (struct Hook *) -- Don't really know what this one is for. Have to check amigos-autodocs. It does not currently do anything. MIDI_RecvSignal (BYTE) -- Signal bit to use when signalling a task whenever a midimessage is arriving at the node, or -1 to disable signalling. Default is -1. MIDI_PartSignal (BYTE) -- Signal bit to use when signalling a task when..... Default is -1. MIDI_MsgQueue (ULONG) -- Number of messages the messagequeue is able to hold. MIDI_TimeStamp (ULONG *) -- Pointer to an ULONG value which value is copied directly into the timestamp attribute in midimessages whenever a new message is received at the node. MIDI_ErrFilter (UBYTE) -- Filters out the errors you don't want to see. MIDI_ClientType (UWORD) -- What sort of application you that owns this node. MIDI_Image (struct Image *) -- Pointer to an image representing this node. MIDI_ErrorCode (ULONG *) -- Pointer to an ULONG which will be set if something went wrong.
TRUE if everything went okey, FALSE if not. Errorcode is put in an ULONG pointed to by the MIDI_ErrorCode tag, if supplied.
- If the midinode is not owned by yourself, please lock
camd to ensure it wont go away.
- Allthough you are able to modify midinodes owned by
others, please avoid it, its normally "non of your buziness", and may lead to crashes and other "unexpected" behaviors. However, if you have full control of the owner of the midinode (f.ex when both you and the owner belongs to the same probram and you are absolutely shure you know what you are doing), there is no problem.
See also GetMidiAttrsA()
BOOL SetMidiLinkAttrsA( struct MidiLink * midilink, struct TagItem * tags ); BOOL SetMidiLinkAttrs( struct MidiLink * midilink, TAG tag, ... );
Remind me to fill in things here later. Notes
- If the midilink is not owned by yourself, please lock
camd to ensure it wont go away.
- Allthough you are able to modify midilinks owned by
others, please avoid it, its normally "non of your buziness", and may lead to crashes and other "unexpected" behaviours. However, if you have full control of the owner of the midilink (f.ex when both you and the owner belongs to the same probram and you are absolutely shure you know what you are doing), there is no problem.
- Warning! If another task have locked Camd and is waiting
for you to finish, there will be a deadlock if you try to change priority or change/set cluster.
See also GetMidiLinkAttrsA()
void SkipSysEx( struct MidiNode * midinode );
Remind me to fill in things here later. See also QuerySysEx() GetSysEx()
void StartClusterNotify( struct ClusterNotifyNode * cn );
void StartClusterNotify(struct ClusterNotifyNode *cn) Inputs
pointer to initialized ClusterNotifyNode structure Result void
struct ClusterNotifyNode cnn; cnn.cnn_Task=IExec->FindTask(NULL); cnn.cnn_SigBit=IExec->AllocSignal(-1); StartClusterNotify(&cnn); somewhere down the line... Wait(1L<<cnn.cnn_SigBit) printf("Cluster Changes have happened\n");
ClusterNotifyNode structure must remain valid until EndClusterNotify(); Will only signal added and removed clusters, not internal state changes. See also EndClusterNotify()
void UnlockCAMD( APTR lock );
UnLocks the internal lists in camd. Inputs
Pointer received from LockCAMD. Result
APTR to send to UnlockCAMD See also LockCAMD()
BOOL WaitMidi( struct MidiNode * midinode, MidiMsg * msg );
Waits until a new message is received at the node, and copy the message to msg. Inputs
msg - Pointer to a midimessage where the message will be copied. Result
Returns TRUE if a new message arrived or had arrived, FALSE, if there was en error on the midinode. See also GetMidi()
CAMD m68k src
* * CAMD Driver for Poseidon USB camdusbmidi.class * * Copyright 2006 Chris Hodges * ************************************************************************ * Date | Change *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 04-Feb-2006 : Initial ************************************************************************ ;output DEVS:midi/poseidonusb include "AmigaLVOs.s" include "Macros.lnk" include "exec/types.i" include "exec/execbase.i" ; for FlushDevice() include "exec/macros.i" include "exec/ports.i" include "utility/hooks.i" include "midi/camddevices.i" _LVOusbCAMDOpenPort equ -108 _LVOusbCAMDClosePort equ -114 Version equ 1 Revision equ 2 Ports equ 16 DEBUG_DETAIL set 0 STRUCTURE CAMDAdapter,0 APTR ca_ActivateFunc BOOL ca_IsOpen STRUCT ca_CAMDRXFunc,h_SIZEOF STRUCT ca_CAMDTXFunc,IS_SIZE ULONG ca_PortNum APTR ca_TXFunc APTR ca_RXFunc APTR ca_UserData APTR ca_TXBuffer ULONG ca_TXBufSize ULONG ca_TXWritePos ULONG ca_TXReadPos APTR ca_MsgPort LABEL CAMDAdapter_SIZE **************************************************************** * * Standard MIDI Device driver header * **************************************************************** ; code at start of file in case anyone tries to execute us as a program FalseStart moveq #-1,d0 rts MDD ; struct MidiDeviceData dc.l MDD_Magic ; mdd_Magic dc.l Name ; mdd_Name dc.l IDString ; mdd_IDString dc.w Version ; mdd_Version dc.w Revision ; mdd_Revision dc.l Init ; mdd_Init dc.l Expunge ; mdd_Expunge dc.l OpenPort ; mdd_OpenPort dc.l ClosePort ; mdd_ClosePort dc.b Ports ; mdd_NPorts dc.b 0 ; mdd_Flags ; 123456789012 Name dc.b 'poseidonusb',0 dc.b '3456789012345678901',0 ; 32 bytes IDString dc.b '$VER: Poseidon USB camdusbmidi.class driver 1.1 (21-Feb-06)',0 dc.b 'Copyright 2006 Chris Hodges',0 even **************************************************************** * * MidiDeviceData Functions * **************************************************************** **************************************************************** * * Init * * FUNCTION * Gets called by CAMD after being LoadSeg'ed. * * INPUTS * None * * RESULTS * TRUE if successful, FALSE on failure. * **************************************************************** Init PUTMSG 10,<"Init!"> PUSHM a6/a0/a1/d1 move.l 4.w,a6 move.l a6,SysBase lea .classname(pc),a1 moveq.l #0,d0 CALL OpenLibrary move.l d0,USBClsBase bne.s .good lea .classname2(pc),a1 moveq.l #0,d0 CALL OpenLibrary move.l d0,USBClsBase .good POPM rts .classname2 dc.b 'USB/' .classname dc.b 'camdusbmidi.class',0 even **************************************************************** * * Expunge * * FUNCTION * Gets called by CAMD immediately before being * UnLoadSeg'ed. * * INPUTS * None * * RESULTS * None * **************************************************************** Expunge PUTMSG 10,<"Expunge!"> PUSHM a6/a1/d0/d1 move.l SysBase(pc),a6 move.l USBClsBase(pc),a1 CALL CloseLibrary clr.l USBClsBase POPM rts **************************************************************** * * SendToCAMD * * Called by CallHookA() from camdusbmidi.class with Buffer address in a2 * and size in a1. * **************************************************************** SendToCAMD PUTMSG 10,<"SendToCAMD %08lx, buf=%08lx">,a0,a2 PUSHM a2-a4/d2 moveq.l #0,d2 move.l a2,a3 ; object move.l h_Data(a0),a0 move.b (a3)+,d2 PUTMSG 10,<"size=%08ld">,d2 move.l ca_UserData(a0),a2 move.l ca_RXFunc(a0),a4 .loop moveq.l #0,d0 move.b (a3)+,d0 jsr (a4) subq.l #1,d2 bgt.s .loop POPM PUTMSG 10,<"done"> rts **************************************************************** * * GetFromCAMD * * Called by Cause() from ActivateXmit. * **************************************************************** GetFromCAMD PUTMSG 10,<"GetFromCAMD %08lx">,a1 PUSHM a2-a6/d2/d3 move.l a1,a3 move.l ca_UserData(a3),a2 move.l ca_TXBuffer(a3),a5 move.l ca_TXFunc(a3),a4 move.l ca_TXBufSize(a3),d3 move.l ca_TXWritePos(a3),d2 subq.l #1,d3 .loop jsr (a4) PUTMSG 10,<"Byte... %lx %ld">,d0,d1 move.b d0,(a5,d2.l) addq.l #1,d2 and.l d3,d2 cmp.l ca_TXReadPos(a3),d2 beq.s .oops ; this will lose data! move.l d2,ca_TXWritePos(a3) tst.b d1 beq.s .loop .oops move.l ca_MsgPort(a3),d0 ; now inform usb driver beq.s .noport move.l d0,a0 move.l MP_SIGTASK(a0),a1 moveq.l #1,d0 moveq.l #0,d1 move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d1 lsl.l d1,d0 move.l SysBase(pc),a6 CALL Signal .noport POPM PUTMSG 10,<"Done"> rts **************************************************************** * * OpenPort * * FUNCTION * Open a MIDI port. * * INPUTS * D0.b - Port number (should always be 0 for this driver) * A0 - Xmit function * A1 - Recv function * A2 - Data * * RESULT * D0 - pointer to MidiPortData structure. * **************************************************************** OpenPort PUTMSG 10,<"OpenPort %ld, Xmit=%08lx,Recv=%08lx,Data=%08lx">,d0,a0,a1,a2 PUSHM a6/a0-a3/d1/d2 move.l USBClsBase(pc),a6 moveq.l #0,d2 move.b d0,d2 move.l d2,d0 lea Name(pc),a3 CALL usbCAMDOpenPort lea CAMDPortBases(pc),a0 move.l d0,(a0,d2.l*4) beq.s .toobad move.l d0,a0 lea ActivateXmit0(pc,d2.l*4),a1 move.l a1,ca_ActivateFunc(a0) move.l d0,ca_CAMDRXFunc+h_Data(a0) lea SendToCAMD(pc),a1 move.l a1,ca_CAMDRXFunc+h_Entry(a0) move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,ca_CAMDTXFunc+LN_TYPE(a0) clr.b ca_CAMDTXFunc+LN_PRI(a0) move.l d0,ca_CAMDTXFunc+IS_DATA(a0) lea GetFromCAMD(pc),a1 move.l a1,ca_CAMDTXFunc+IS_CODE(a0) st ca_IsOpen(a0) .toobad PUTMSG 10,<"Result=%08lx">,d0 POPM rts **************************************************************** * * ClosePort * * FUNCTION * Close a MIDI port. * * INPUTS * D0.b - Port number (always 0 for this driver). * A1 - USBID * * RESULT * None * **************************************************************** ClosePort PUSHM a6/a0/a1/d1 move.l USBClsBase(pc),a6 and.l #$ff,d0 lea Name(pc),a1 CALL usbCAMDClosePort POPM rts IFNE DEBUG_DETAIL kprintf PUSHM a2-a3/a6 lea .putchr(pc),a2 move.l 4.w,a6 move.l a6,a3 CALL RawDoFmt POPM rts .putchr dc.w $CD4B,$4EAE,$FDFC,$CD4B,$4E75 ENDC **************************************************************** * * ActivateXmit * * Called by CAMD with Midi Data in a0 (or a2?) * BUG: Actually, the Midi Data is not in any register. This sucks * **************************************************************** ActivateXmit0 moveq.l #0,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #1,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #2,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #3,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #4,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #5,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #6,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #7,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #8,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #9,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #10,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #11,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #12,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #13,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #14,d0 bra.s ActivateXmit moveq.l #15,d0 ; bra.s ActivateXmit ActivateXmit PUTMSG 10,<"ActivateXmit Port %ld">,d0 PUSHM a6 move.l SysBase(pc),a6 move.l CAMDPortBases(pc,d0.l*4),a0 lea ca_CAMDTXFunc(a0),a1 CALL Cause POPM rts USBClsBase ds.l 1 SysBase ds.l 1 CAMDPortBases ds.l 16 END