Basics (only nouns, and adjectives)
- thing
(shay'/shai-un)شيء - God
(aL-Laah)الله - a god
(i-laah)إله - one
(waaHid)واحد - two
(ith-naan)اثنان - three
(tha-laa-thah)ثلاثة - person
(shakhS)شخص - place
(ma-kaan)مكان - way of doing something (procedure)
(ta-ree-qa)طريقة - plan
(khut-tah)خطة - expectation
(ta-waq-qu`)توقُع - result
(na-tee-jah)نتيجة - type
(nau` pl. anwaa`)نوع (ج أنواع - time (as in"how many times?" OR "I did that 3 times")
(mar-rah)مرة - time (an amount of time, as in "5 hours")
(waqt)وقت - action
(ta'-theer)تأثير - event
(Haa-di-thah. pl. Ha-waa-dith)حادثة - intention
(née-yah)نية - idea
(fik-rah)فكرة - accident
(Haa-dith)حادث - existence
(wo-jood)وجود - amount
(mab-lagh)مَبْلـَغ - area
(min-Ta-Qah)منطقة - question
(su-aal)سؤال - answer
(ja-wab)جواب - word
(ka-li-mah)كلمة - sentence
(jum-lah)جملة - meaning
(ma`-naa)معنى - talking
talks (yaa-taa-kal-lam) يتكلم - writing
writes (yak-tub) يكتب - explaining
explains (yash-raH)يشرح - work
or (shughl)شغل - rest
(raa-Hah)راحة - reason
(sa-bab)سبب - cause
see reason - tool
(aa-daah)أداة - location
(ma-kaan)مكان - distance
(ma-saa-fah)مسافة - speed
(sur-`ah)سرعة - acceleration
(ta-saa-ru`)تسارع - difference
(farq)فرق - similarity
(ta-shaa-buh)تشابه - eat
(akl)أكل - sleep
(nawm)نوم - death
(mawt)موت - good
(jai-yid)جيد - bad
سيئ - normal
(`aadeey)عادي - weird
(gha-reeb)غريب - source
(masdar)مصدر - reality
(Wāqʻ)واقع - true story
(Qşh Ḩqyqyh)قصة حقيقية - fairy tale
(Khrāfh)خرافة - lie
(kazb)كذب - truth
(Haqeeqah)حقيقة - birth
(wiladah)ولادة - life
حياة - loser
خاسر - winner
رابح - useful
(mufeed) مفيد - property (something owned)
- property (example: "name")
- value (example: "John")
- number
(raqm)رقم - amount
- remainder/remaining
- original
(asly)أصلي - water
(maa')ماء - rock
(Sakhr)صخر - fire
(naar)نار - sky
(samaa’)سماﺀ - earth
الأرض - bird
الطير - animal
الحيوان - solid
صلب - liquid
سائل - gas
غاز - hard
قاسٍ - soft
(Nāʻm)ناعم - difficult
صعب - easy
سهل - possible
ممكن - impossible
غير ممكن - need
(ihtajja)احتجّ - want
(araada)أراد - severe
(Ḩād)حاد - slight
(Ţfyf)طفيف - big
(kabeer)كبير - small
(S-gheer)صغير - beautiful
(jameel)جميل - ugly
(qobeeh)قبيح - splendid
- horrible
- rich
(gha-nee)غني - poor
(faqeer)فقير - male
(muzakkar)مذكّر - female
(un-thaa :pl. inaath)أنثى (ج إناث) - book
(ki-taab : pl. kutub) كتاب (ج كتب - colour
(lawn)لون - black
(aswad (m.), sawdaa`)أسود، سوداء - white
(abyaD (m.), bayDaa’ (f.))أبيض، بيضاء - dark
- light
- darkness(also dark as in "Are you afraid of the dark?")
(Za-laam)ظلام - lightness
- brightness
- opposite of bright (dimmed)
- opposite of bright (dull)
- sharp(as in a sharp knife)
- dull (as in a sharp knife)
- heart
(Qalb)قلب - brain
(mukh)مخ - mind
(aql)عقل - hand
(yad)يد - eye
(`ain)عين - powerful
- powerless
- a little
(qalil)قليل - a lot
(kathir)كثير - many
see a lot - tasty
(lazeezah)لذيذة - tasteless
- taste
(zouq)ذوق - smart
(shaaTr)شاطر - stupid
(gha-bee)غبي - quite
- racket
- loud
- outside
(khaarij)خارج - inside
(daakhil)داخل - gift
(hadeeah)هدية - digit
- seeing
(ru'-yah)رؤية - hearing
(sam`) سمع - smelling
(sham)شم - tasting
(ta-dhaw-woq)تذوق - feeling/touching
(lams)لمس - sensing
Time expressions
- today اليوم (al-yaum)
- tomorrow غدا (ghadan)
commonly, (bukra) بُكرةً (literally, early in the morning)
- yesterday أمس (ams)
commonly, (mbaareH) مبارِح It is derived from (al bare7a)but there was a tribe that pronounced "al" "am" so it became (ambare7a)then(embare7) ≈"yesterday"
from participle prefix=م ; (preposition= ب ; verb= اراح
- the day before yesterday
- the day after tomorrow بعد غدا (ba'da ghadan)
- next week
- next Monday
- moment (laH-Za) لـَحْظَة
- second
- minute (da-qii-qa) دَقِيْقَة
- hour (saa-`a) سـَاعـَة
- 24hr day (yawm) يـَوْم
- day the opposite of night (na-haar) نَهَار
- year (sa-na) سـَنـَة
- century (qarn) قـَرْن
- five times a day خمس مرات في يوم
- future(mus-taq-bal)مستقبل
- past (maa-Dee)ماضي
- present
- near(qareeb)قريب
- far(ba’eed)بعيد
- persisting
- instant
- time-consuming
Frequency (how often)
- sometimes()بعض الاحيان
- often()غالبا
- always()دائما
- consistently()باستمرار
- occasionally()من حين الى اخر
- every day()كل يوم
- every month() كل شهر
- every week()كل اسبوع
- next week()الاسبوع القادم
The week
- Sunday (al-aH-ad) الأحد
- Monday (al-ith-nain) الإثنين
- Tuesday (ath-thu-la-tha) الثلاثاء
- Wednesday (al-ar-bi-`a) الأربعاء
- Thursday (al-kha-miis) الخميس
- Friday (al-jum-`a) الجمعة
- Saturday (as-sabt) السبت
Beverages مَشْرَب
- coffee (qahwè) قَهْوَة
- tea (shaay) شاي
- hot chocolate(shukulaatè saakhinè) شوكولاتة ساخِنة
- milk (Haleeb) حليب
- juice ('aseer) عصير
Food طعام
- banana (mawz) مَوز
- orange (burtqalè) بُرتْقالة
- grapes (9inab) عِنَب
- pear ('aajaS) أجِص
- apple (tufaaHè) تُفاحة
- sea (baHr) بـحر
- lake (bu-Hai-ra) بـحيرة
- snow()ثلج
- sand()رمل
- dirt()وسخ
- concrete() خرسان
- grass()عشب
- beach - (Shati) شاطىء
- harbour - (Marfa'a) مرفأ
- airport (ma-Taar) مطار
- building - (Benaa') بناء
- desert - (Sahraa') صحراء
- sky-scraper - (Nattihat sahab) ناطحة سحاب
- school - (Madrasa) مدرسة
- university -(jaa-mi-`a) جامعة
- college - (Kul-lieh) كلية
- apartment-(sha-qa) شقة
- house-(bait) بيت
- one-storey house
- two-storey house
- mosque - (Masjid) مسجد / جامع
- church - (Kanisa) كنيسة
- street - (Share'a) شارع
- square - (Saha / Maydan) ساحة / ميدان
- bridge - (Jisir) جسر
- city center - (Makaz/Wasat Al-Madina) مركز / وسط المدينة
- harbour, port - (Mina'a / Marfa'a) ميناء / مرفأ
- hotel - (Fundok) فندق
- restaurant - (Mata'am) مطعم
- market - (Souk) سوق
- gold market - (Souk Alzahab) سوق الذهب
- fish market - (Souk Alsamak) سوق السمك
- fort - (Housen) حُصن
- supermarket - (Super Market)سوبر ماركت
- bank - (Bank) بنك
- shop - (Mahal) محل
- stall - (Dukan) دكان
- train station - (Mahatet Alqitar) محطة القطار
- bus station - (Mahatet Albas) محطة الباص
- tourist information - (Ma'alomat lilseyaha) معلومات للسياحة
- hospital - (Mustashfa) مستشفى
Conditions and feelings
- hungry جائع
- opposite of hungry شبعان
- tired تعبان
- opposite of tired مرتاح
- sick مريض
- healthy صحي
People (differentiated by age)
Friends/Enemies - (Asdeqa'a / A'ada'a) أصدقاء / أعداء
My friend - (saah-bi) - صاحبي
Your friend - (saah-bik) - صاحبك
by Personalities
by Crime
Physical features
English- inglezi - إنكليزي
People (differentiated by disability)
blind - أعمى / ضرير
deaf - أطرش
dumb - أخرس / أبكم
Family relationship
child - Tifl - طفل
boy—walad - ولد
girl—bint - بنت
son—ibn - إبن
daughter—Ibna - إبنة
grand-daughter—bint bint - بنت ـ بنت
grand-son—ibn bint/ibn إبن ـ إبن
grand-father—jidd - جد
grand-mother—jidda - جدة
maternal cousin—bint/ibn khaal(at)- بنت / إبن الخالة
paternal cousin—bint/ibn a'am(at)- بنت / إبن العمة
family relationsعلاقات اسرية
baby= radii - رضيع
boy=ghulam,sabi غلام / صبي