< Arabic

Exercise 1


  1. كِتابِي هُناكَ.
  2. رِسالَتُه هُناكَ.
  3. كُرسيُّنَا هُناكَ.
  4. مَدرَستُهم هُناكَ.
  5. مُعَلِّمُنَا هُناكَ.
  6. تِلميذِي هُناكَ.
  7. قَلَمُكَ هُناكَ.
  8. مَحّايَتُنَا هُناكَ.
  9. حاسوبُه هُناكَ.
  10. دَفتَرُكِ هُناكَ.



1. My book is there.
2. His letter is there.
3. Our chair is there.
4. Their school is there.
5. Our teacher is there.
6. My student is there.
7. Your pen is there.
8. Our eraser is there.
9. His computer is there.
10. Your notebook is there.

Exercise 2


  1. دَفتَرُكَ هُنالِكَ.
  2. حاسوبُه هُنالِكَ.
  3. مَحّايتُكِ هُناكَ.
  4. تِلميذُهَا هُنالِكَ.
  5. مُعَلِّمِي هُناكَ.
  6. كُرسيُّه هُناكَ.
  7. سَيّارَتِي هُنالِكَ.
  8. بَيتِي هُناكَ.
  9. كُرسيُّهَا هُنا.
  10. حاسوبُنَا هُنا.
  11. تِلميذُه هُنالِكَ.
  12. قَلَمُه هُناكَ.
  13. مَحّايَتُه هُنالِكَ.
  14. مَحّايَتُه غَيرُ مَوجودةِ.
  15. مَطارُنَا هُناكَ.
  16. مَطعَمُه مَوجودُ.
  17. تِلميذُه هُنالِكَ.
  18. مَدرَسَتُهَا هُنا.



2. His computer is there.
4. Her student is there.
6. His chair is there.
8. My house is there.
10. Our computer is here.
12. His pen is there.
14. His eraser is unavailable.
16. His restaurant is available.
18. Her school is here.

Exercise 3


  1. مَدرَسَتُنَا كَبيرةُ.
  2. جامِعتُه قَديمةُ.
  3. شُقَّتُهَا صَغيرةُ.
  4. مَحّايَتُه جَديدةُ.
  5. قَلَمِي رَخيصُ.
  6. مَدرَسَتُه جَديدةُ.
  7. مَطارُنَا كَبيرُ.
  8. حاسوبُه غالِ.
  9. مَطعَمِي غالِ.
  10. جامِعَتُنَا غالِيةُ.
  11. مَحّايَتُه غالِيةُ.
  12. شُقّتِي جَديدةُ.



2. His university is old.
4. Her school is small.
6. His school is new.
8. His computer is expensive.
10. Our university is expensive.
12. My apartment is new.

Exercise 4


  1. هَذا حاسوبِي.
  2. هَذِهِ مَدرَسَتِي.
  3. هَذا قَلَمُنَا.
  4. هَذا مَطعَمُنَا.
  5. هَذِهِ مَحّايَتُه.
  6. هَذِهِ شُقَّتُه.
  7. هَذا كِتابُه.
  8. هَذا دَفتَرُه.
  9. هَذا تِلميذُنَا.
  10. هَذا مُعَلِّمَتُنَا.
  11. هَذِهِ تِلميذِي.
  12. هَذِهِ مُعَلِّمَتِي.



2. This is my school.
4. This is our restaurant.
6. This is his apartment.
8. This is his notebook.
10. This is our (female) teacher.
12. This is my (female) teacher.

Exercise 5


  1. ذَلِكَ تِلميذُه.
  2. تِلكَ تِلميذتُهَا .
  3. ذَلِكَ قَلَمِي.
  4. هَذِهِ مَحّايَتِي.
  5. تِلكَ مُعَلِّمَتُنَا.
  6. ذَلِكَ مُعَلِّمُنَا.
  7. تاكَ مُعَلِّمَتُه.
  8. ذاكَ مَطعَمُه.
  9. تاكَ مَحّايَتُه.
  10. تِلكَ جامِعَتُه.
  11. تاكَ شُقَّتُه.
  12. هَذِهِ تِلميذَتُنَا.



2. That is her (female) student.
4. This is my eraser.
6. That is my teacher.
8. That is his restaurant.
10. That is his university.
12. This is my (female) student.

Exercise 6


  1. كِتابِي مِن المَدرَسةِ.
  2. سَيّارَتُه مِن المَدينةِ.
  3. كِتابُه مَعَ الدَفتَرِ.
  4. سَيّارَتِِي قُربَ المَطارِ.
  5. كِتابُهَا في شُقَّتِهَا.
  6. كُرسيُّه عَلى الـأَرضِ.
  7. كِتابُنَا عَلى طاوِلَتِه.
  8. مُعَلِّمُنَا في المَطارِ.



2. His car is from the city.
4. My car is near the airport.
6. His chair is on the ground.
8. Our teacher is in the airport.

Exercise 7


  1. بَيتُ العائِلةِ كَبيرةُ.
  2. مُستَشفى المَدينةِ نَظيفةُ.
  3. مَطعَمُ المَطارِ في المَطارِ.
  4. مَنزِلُ الرَجُلِ شُقَّتُه.
  5. سَيّارةُ الامرَأةِ قَديمةُ.
  6. بابُ المَنزِلِ مَقفولُ.
  7. بابُ السَيّارةِ مَفتوحُ.
  8. عِندِي مِفتاحُ البَيتِ.
  9. ماعِندَكَ مِفتاحُ السَيّارةِ.
  10. مَطارُ المَدينةِ بَعيدةُ.
  11. تِلميذُ الجامِعةِ هُنالِكَ.
  12. قَلَمُ الامرَأةِ هُنا.



2. The city's hospital is clean.
4. The home of the man is his apartment.
6. The door of the home is closed.
8. I have the keys of the house.
10. The airport of the city is far.
12. The woman's pen is here.

Exercise 8


  1. بابُ بَيتِه مَفتوحُ.
  2. جامِعَةُ مَدينَتِهَا صَغيرةُ.
  3. بَيتُ صَديقِي كَبيرُ.
  4. سَيّارةُ صَديقَتِي جَديدةُ.
  5. عِندِي دَفتَرُ صَديقِي.
  6. عِندِه مِفتاحُ سَيّارَتِي.
  7. مَبنى المَدرَسةِ قَديمةُ.
  8. مَبنى المُستَشفى قَديمةُ.
  9. مَدرَسةُ صَديقِه هُنا.
  10. مَدرَسةُ صَديقِه بَعيدةُ.
  11. مُستَشفى صَديقِنَا هُنا.
  12. بَيتُ عائِلَتِه هُنا.



2. The university of her city is small.
4. The school of her friend is new.
6. He has the keys to my car.
8. The building of the hospital is old.
10. The school of his friend is far.
12. The house of his family is here.

Exercise 9


  1. ذَهَبَ إِلى البَيتِ.
  2. أَتى إِلى مَدينَتِنَا.
  3. مَشى إِلى السوقِ.
  4. ذَهَبَت.
  5. مَشَت إلى السوقِ.
  6. جَلَسَ هُنا.
  7. أَتَت إِلى شُقَّتِنَا.
  8. جَلَسَت هُنا.
  9. مَشَت إِلى الجامِعةِ.
  10. ذَهَبَ إلى المُستَشفى.
  11. نامَ في سَريرِه.
  12. نامَت في سَريرِهَا.



2. He came to our city.
4. She went.
6. He sat here.
8. She sat here.
10. He went to the hospital.
12. She slept in her bed.

Exercise 10


  1. ذَهَبَت إلى مِصرَ.
  2. تَذهَبُ إِلى بِلادِهَا.
  3. مَشَت إِلى السوقِ.
  4. تَنامُ في السَريرِ.
  5. جَلَسَت عَلى الكُرسيِّ.
  6. غادَرَت المَكانَ.
  7. تَجلِسُ عَلى الكُرسيِّ.
  8. أَكَلَت خُبزًا في المَطعَمِ.
  9. تَأكُلُ لَحمًا في البَيتِ.



2. She goes to her (home) country/land.
4. She sleeps in (the) bed.
6. She left the place.
8. She ate bread in the restaurant.

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