< Arabic
- تصبح على خير
- tusbih `alaà khair
- Syllable breakdown: tuS-biH-`a-la-khair
- Good night. (when talking to a guy)
- It doesn't mean "good night", but it is used in the same way.
- صباح الخير
- Sabaahu al-khair
- Syllable breakdown: Sa-baa-Hul-khair
- Good morning. (addressing a male)
- هكذا
- haákadhaa
- Syllable breakdown: haa-ka-dhaa
- like this. OR thus. OR like that
- قل
- qul
- Syllable breakdown: qul
- Say. (when talking to a guy)
- أنظر
- undhur
- Syllable breakdown: un-dhur
- look.
- إنتظر
- intadhir
- Syllable breakdown: in-ta-Zir
- wait.
- يجب أن + (يفعل
- yajibu an ... (verb)
- Syllable breakdown: ya-ji-bu--an
- (you/he/she/it/they) should/ought to
- لا بدّ أن
- laa budda anna ... (noun)
- Syllable breakdown: laa--bud-da--an-na
- It must needs be that
- Meaning: It must be that... NOT the same as "It has to be..."
- The concept is difficult to explain in the English language
- It is the "must" in : " We must have met before" OR "They must have forgotten their books."
- But not the "must" as in: "We must go now"
- إنتبه
- intabih
- Syllable breakdown: in-ta-bih
- Watch out! when speaking to a guy
- أرأيت؟
- A ra'ait?
- Syllable breakdown: a-ra-ait
- Did you see (that)?
- مثلا
- mathalań
- Syllable breakdown: ma-tha-lan
- For example.
- لا بئس
- laa ba'sa
- Syllable breakdown: laa-ba's
- No problem
- كلما
- kullamaa
- Syllable breakdown: kul-la-maa
- whenever
- هذا يكفي
- haadhaa yakfee
- Syllable breakdown: haa-dha-yak-fee
- That's enough.
- ربـما
- rubbamaa
- Syllable breakdown: rub-ba-maa
- may/maybe
- لَعَلّى
- la`allaa
- Syllable breakdown:
- might
- أبدا
- abadań
- Syllable breakdown: a-ba-dan
- never except in rare cases where it means ever.
- سترى
- sa taraà
- Syllable breakdown: sa-ta-raà
- You'll see. (when talking to one guy)
- مرة
- marräh
- Syllable breakdown: mar-rah
- time; once (add to the end of a sentence to mean "once"), means time if you can count it, as in "one time", "five times"
- خصوصا
- khusuusań
- Syllable breakdown: khu-Soo-San
- especially <noun>
- لاسِيَما
- Syllable breakdown:
- especially since
- أعتقد أن
- A`taqidu anna...
- Syllable breakdown: a`-ta-qi-du--an-na
- I believe that...
- أظن أن
- Adhunnu anna...
- Syllable breakdown: a-Zun-nu--an-na
- I think that...
- ما رأيك؟
- maa ra'yu-k(a/i)
- Syllable breakdown: maa-ra'-yuk
- What do you think? OR What's your opinion?
- ماذا حَصَل؟
- Maadhaa hasala?
- Syllable breakdown:
- What happened?
- حاضر
- haadir
- Syllable breakdown: Haa-Dir
- Certainly. It is said after a command to tell the person commanding that you plan to carry it out. Is especially used to show respect example a daughter would say this to her mother.
- ماذا يـجري؟
- Maadhaa yajrii?
- Syllable breakdown: maa-dha-yaj-ree
- What's going on?
- ما الأمر؟
- Maa al-amr?
- Syllable breakdown: mal-amr
- What is it?
- كلاهما
- kilaa-humaa
- Syllable breakdown: ki-laa-hu-maa
- Both of them
- ثم
- thumma
- Syllable breakdown: thum-ma
- then The meaning of "then" meaning "after that" ex. "Then I went to school."
- Sometimes (rarely) it means "and"
- إذاً OR إذن
- idhan
- Syllable breakdown: i-dhan
- then the meaning of "then" meaning "in that case"
- مَعًا
- ma`ań
- Syllable breakdown: ma-`an
- Together
- ما بك؟
- Maa bi-ka?
- Syllable breakdown: maa-bik
- What's (wrong) with you?
- فكرة جيدة
- fikratuń jayyidäh ... (verb)
- Syllable breakdown: fik-ra-tun-jai-yi-dah
- Good idea.
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