< Arabic
Feminine and masculine nouns اَلأَسمَاءُ اَلمُؤَنَّثَةُ وَاَلمُذَكَّرَةُ
Nouns in the Arabic language are gendered. There are two genders: Feminine and masculine. The masculine gender is the main gender. To make a noun feminine, the letter ة is added at the end. The i3raab and tanween is transferred to ة. A >َ is added to the preceding letter. If the gender of the noun is unknown, the masculine form is used as it is the main gender.
مُدَرِّسٌ A (male) teacher
مُدَرِّسَةٌ A (female) teacher
كَاتِبٌ A (male) writer
كَاتِبَةٌ A (female) writer
There are some instances where there is no ة, yet the word is considered feminine. However, this is a special case, and should not be taken as a rule.
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