You want to automatically extract a well-formed XML file from a binary Excel document.
We will us the java Ant task within a build target.
Input File
We will create a sample Microsoft Excel file that has two columns like the following:

Save this into a file 'sample.xls'.
Next, download the Apache Tika jar file and put is on your local hard drive.
You can get the downloads from here: the Main Tika jar file is about 27MB.
I put the tika jar file in D:\Apps\tika but you can change this.
Create a file called "build.xml"
<project name="extract-xml-from-xsl" default="extract-xml-from-xsl">
<description>Sample Extract XML from Excel xsl file with Apache Tika</description>
<property name="lib.dir" value="D:\Apps\tika"/>
<property name="input-file" value="sample.xls"/>
<target name="extract-xml-from-xsl">
<echo message="Extracting XML from Excel file: ${input-file}"/>
<java jar="${lib.dir}/tika-app-1.3.jar" fork="true" failonerror="true"
maxmemory="128m" input="${input-file}" output="sample.xml">
<arg value="-x" />
The <java> task will run tika. The argument "-x" (for XML will extract the XML from the input.
Other command line options are listed here:
Now open your DOS or UNIX shell and cd into the place with your build file. Type "ant" into a command shell.
$ ant
Buildfile: D:\ws\doc-gen\trunk\build\tika\build.xml
[echo] Extracting XML from Excel file: sample.xls
Total time: 1 second
Sample Output
Note that the output is a well formed HTML file with a table in it:
<html xmlns="">
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<meta name="meta:save-date" content="2013-03-04T17:22:01Z" />
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<meta name="Application-Name" content="Microsoft Excel" />
<meta name="dc:creator" content="Dan" />
<meta name="Last-Modified" content="2013-03-04T17:22:01Z" />
<meta name="Author" content="Dan" />
<meta name="dcterms:created" content="2013-03-04T17:20:19Z" />
<meta name="date" content="2013-03-04T17:22:01Z" />
<meta name="modified" content="2013-03-04T17:22:01Z" />
<meta name="creator" content="Dan" />
<meta name="Creation-Date" content="2013-03-04T17:20:19Z" />
<meta name="meta:author" content="Dan" />
<meta name="extended-properties:Application" content="Microsoft Excel" />
<meta name="Content-Type" content="application/" />
<meta name="Last-Save-Date" content="2013-03-04T17:22:01Z" />
<div class="page"><h1>Sheet1</h1>