- ሽፋን - Cover, frontpage
- ስእላዊ መዝገበ ቃላት - Visual vocabularies
መንደርደሪያ (Introductory)
- የአማርኛ ፊደላት: Amharic alphabets, reading and writing basics.
- መልመጃ 1: Amharic grammar, conversations, polite and familiar forms, personal pronouns: subject and object.
- መልመጃ 2: Verbs, polite and familiar conversations, word order in questions.
- መልመጃ 3: Numbers 1-12, telling time, gender and polite forms.
- መልመጃ 4: Indefinite articles, more pronouns, plural of nouns.
- መልመጃ 5: Asking directions, conjugating regular verbs in the present.
- መልመጃ 6: Numbers 13-100, simple math, colors. Past and past perfect tense.
- መልመጃ 7: Future and conditional.
- መልመጃ 8: Word order. Conjunctions and subjunctions.
- መልመጃ 9: Passive voice.
- መልመጃ 10: Adjectives revisited.
- መልመጃ 11: Verbal nouns.
- መልመጃ 12: Adverbs and prepositions.
- መልመጃ 13: Punctuation.
Appendix: Common vocabularies
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