< Alcor6L < PicoLisp
This module is an interface to the core system and services of eLua.
Save the interpreter line history. Only available if linenoise is enabled, check here for details.
(elua-save-history 'filename)
- filename - the name of the file where the history will be saved. CAUTION: the file will be overwritten.
Returns: NIL.
Returns the current eLua version as a string
Returns: the eLua version currently running.
This PicoLisp function can be used to execute an eLua shell command from within your PicoLisp session. NOTE: The shell command 'picolisp' is not permitted in non-interactive mode.
(elua-shell 'command)
- command: The name of the command you wish to execute from your PicoLisp session.
Returns: The command name if command exists, else NIL.
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