< Ada Programming < Libraries

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This package provides a high level binding to the Windows registry. It is possible to do simple things like reading a key value and creating a new key. This binding handles only key values of type Standard.String. For a full registry API (but at a lower level of abstraction) refer to the Win32.Winreg package provided with the Win32Ada binding.
An example of how to use this package:
with GNAT.registry; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use GNAT.registry; use Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; -- This is an example of how to manipulate the windows registry using -- the GNAT.registry class. It reads in the value of a key if it exists, -- otherwise, it creates a new key, modifies its value, and then removes the key. procedure Registry_Manip is reg : HKEY; key : String := "SOFTWARE\Raytheon"; subKey : String := "URL"; subKeyValue : String := "http://www.raytheon.com"; currentValue : Unbounded_String; begin Put_Line("Creating registry key: " & key); reg := Create_Key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key); Put_Line("Testing to see if key already exists (key_exists() doesn't work)"); begin currentValue := To_Unbounded_String(Query_Value(reg, subKey)); exception when Registry_Error => currentValue := To_Unbounded_String(""); --No Key Found end; if (currentValue /= "") then Put_Line("Key Exists! Value: " & To_String(currentValue)); else Put_Line("Key does not Exist."); end if; Put_Line("Added registry sub-key: " & subKey); Put_Line(" with a value of: " & subKeyValue); Set_Value(reg, subKey, subKeyValue); -- Put_Line("Deleting registry sub-key: " & subKey); -- Delete_Value(reg, subKey); -- Put_Line("Deleting registry key: " & key); -- Delete_Key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key); Put_Line("Closing the key"); Close_Key(reg); -- This will catch all Registry_Error exceptions that may be thrown exception when E : others => Put_Line(Exception_Name (E) & ": " & Exception_Message (E)); end Registry_Manip;
See also
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