This is a work in progress as of 12/3/08.
Assuming that the user is implementing the latest version of Antfarm, which uses postgresql database. If you are using Antfarm that does not use postgresql database, you can use the following instructions to get started.
Now that you are using Antfarm with postgresql database, use the following Commands to set up your database to be filled with good information!
Parsing a traceroute file using Antfarm:
For your traceroute file:
1. Save your traceroute file as a .txt file (this will be referred to as <traceroute filename>)
NOTE: Your customized script will be automatically saved in the following location:
When you run the following command at the prompt ($):
$ antfarm
you will see the name of your customized script under "custom".
Run Antfarm traceroute script on your traceroute file (do not include brackets in filenames):
2. Run the following command at the prompt: $ antfarm -e <environment name> custom <traceroute script filename> <traceroute filename>
At this point, you have parsed your traceroute file (<traceroute filename>)using the custom traceroute script in Antfarm (<traceroute script filename>) and the parsed information is saved in your environment (<environment name>).
You can view the output on Antfarm by running the following command (3. For traffic view, 4. For network view):
3. $ antfarm -e <environment name> viz display-traffic 4. $ antfarm -e <environment name> viz display-networks
When displaying the traffic flow from a larger traceroute file, the visual becomes harder to read on the screen. Luckily there is an option that will help minimize this. The "collapse-ports" option allows you to only include one node for each port number discovered in the traceroute file.
5. $ antfarm -e <environment name> viz display-traffic—collapse-ports
The latest version of Antfarm the display is static, using the command above. If you wish to see an animated version of the display, use the following command (using display networks as an example):
6. $ antfarm viz display-networks—active
Sample traceroute script