ABC graphs in chemistry
Vladislav Ivaništšev
ABC graphs is a general name for diagrams showing Atom symbols, Bonding paths, atomic Charges, lone electrons (with Dots), and empty orbitals (with Ellipsis). Specific information shown on a given diagram is reflected in its name, so one may refer to AB, ABC, ABCD or ABCDE graphs.
An AB graph is a molecular graph analogues to a ball-and-stick model, yet it shows atoms with symbols and bonding paths with single lines (instead of balls and multiple sticks).
For all graphs more complicated than AB, let us agree that each drawn line corresponds to a σ-bond sharing of a pair of electrons. Then, to draw a structure one should use simple rules for determining the atomic charges, number of lone electrons, and empty orbitals.
Acronym and definitions
Rules for drawing ABC graphs
Drawing examples
AB graph drawing examples
ABC graph drawing examples
ABCD graph drawing examples
ABD graph drawing examples
ABCDE graph drawing examples
Structure–property relations
ABC-type graphs and acid-base chemistry
ABC-type graphs and redox chemistry
Chemistry of elements
Sulfur chemistry
Disclaimer: This book is in the writing progress. Content will be added upon publications in manuscripts and scientific journals.