< 99 Elm Problems
- Problem 1: Find the last element of a list
- Problem 2: Find the next to last element of a list
- Problem 3: Find the n-th element of a list
- Problem 4: Find the number of elements of a list
- Problem 5: Reverse a list
- Problem 6: Determine if a list is a palindrome
- Problem 7: Flatten a nested list structure
- Problem 8: Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements
- Problem 9: Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists
- Problem 10: Run length encode a list of tuples
Lists, continued
- Problem 11: Run-length encoding
- Problem 12: Run-length decoding
- Problem 14: Duplicate the elements
- Problem 15: Repeat each element
- Problem 16: Drop every N'th element
- Problem 17: Split a list into two parts
- Problem 18: Extract a sublist
- Problem 19: Rotate a list N places
- Problem 20: Remove the nth element
Lists again
- Problem 21: Insert an element
- Problem 22: Create a range of integers
- Problem 23: Randomly selected elements
- Problem 24: Randomly select from a set
- Problem 25: Generate a random permutation
- Problem 26: Generate combinations of a set
- Problem 27: Group elements into disjoint subsets
- Problem 28: Sort a list of lists
- Problem 31: Check for prime
- Problem 32: Find greatest common divisor
- Problem 33: Check for coprime
- Problem 34: Calculate Euler's totient function
- Problem 35: Find prime factors
- Problem 36: List the prime factors
- Problem 37: Calculate Euler's totient function using prime factors
- Problem 39: List prime numbers within a range
- Problem 40: Goldbach's conjecture
- Problem 41: Search a range of numbers
Logic and Codes
Binary Trees
Binary Trees, continued
- Problem 61: Count the leaves
- Problem 62: Collect the internal nodes
- Problem 63: Construct a complete binary tree
- Problem 64: Plot node coordinates 1
- Problem 65: Plot node coordinates 2
- Problem 66: Plot node coordinates 3
- Problem 67: Represent a tree as a string
- Problem 68: Generate an ordered sequence
- Problem 69: Represent a tree with Dot Notation
Multi-way Trees
- Problem 80: Convert graphs representations
- Problem 81: Find all cyclic paths
- Problem 82: Find closed paths
- Problem 83: Find spanning trees
- Problem 84: Find the minimal spanning tree
- Problem 85: Determine if two graphs are isomorphic
- Problem 86: Calculate degree of a node
- Problem 87: Depth-first order graph traversal
- Problem 88: Connected components
- Problem 89: Check for bipartite graph
- Problem 90: Eight Queens
- Problem 91: The Knight's Tour
- Problem 92: Graceful Labeling
- Problem 93: Inserting operators
- Problem 94: Generate regular graphs
- Problem 95: Numbers to text
- Problem 96: Syntax checker
- Problem 97: Sudoku solver
- Problem 98: Nonogram solver
- Problem 99: Elm Problems: Crossword puzzle solver
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