This module is aimed at explaining the rules of games such as gomoku, renju, and pente. The aim of these games is generally to get five pieces in a row. This module also aims to provide some general theory to aid in gameplay.


Terms & Definitions

Here are some terms used in this book:

Piece: a stone (generally either black or white) belonging to one of the two players. this can be a glass stone, a plastic stone, a symbol representing a stone, etc.

Row: a line of adjacent pieces which are all of the same colour. gaps in this line are allowed.

Unbroken row: a row without gaps.

n in a Row: n pieces of the same colour arranged in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. this row is unbroken. creating 5 in a row generally implies a win.

Four: a row of 4 (not necessarily 4 in a row), in which placing one more piece results in a 5 in a row.

Straight four: 4 in a row.

Three: a row of 3 (not necessarily 3 in a row), in which placing one more piece results in a straight four.

Straight three: 3 in a row.

Overline: n in an unbroken row. (n > 5)

Double three: two threes intersecting each other

Double four: two fours intersecting each other

Capture: to execute a move which results in the removal of some opponent pieces from the board

Authors & Contributors

Jenny Zhu Author Student of University of Sydney A wise man once said something stupid

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