< 2009 UIL Spelling Study Manual
Word List
For words with a * contestants must also know definitions. 363. dactylogram 364. daikon 365. danseuse 366. Dardanelles* 367. de Stijl 368. debasement 369. decapitate 370. decasyllabic 371. Deccan 372. declamatory 373. decorous 374. decrescendo 375. decussate 376. defenestration* 377. deferred* 378. definitude 379. defrayal 380. deglutition 381. deionize* 382. deliquesce 383. Delmonico steak 384. Delphian 385. demagogic* 386. démarche 387. dendrochronology 388. denotation 389. deodorant 390. depersonalize 391. depiction* 392. depository 393. depressant 394. dermabrasion 395. desacralize 396. desensitize 397. designee* 398. desuetude 399. desultorily* 400. detrition 401. deus ex machina 402. devious 403. dewlap 404. dexterously 405. diable 406. diapason 407. dictatorial 408. didactics 409. dilatory* 410. diplopia* 411. disarmament 412. disciform 413. disclaimer* 414. discountenance 415. disembogue 416. disenfranchise 417. disincentive 418. disorientation* 419. dispossessed 420. disquisition 421. dissenter, Dissenter 422. dissolvent 423. dissuasion 424. distrait 425. dithyramb 426. divagate 427. divorcée (female) 428. Doberman pinscher* 429. dodecaphonic 430. dogmatism 431. doloroso* 432. Doric order 433. dorsolateral 434. dosimetry 435. dowager's hump 436. dragoman* 437. dramatization 438. dreidel, dreidl 439. drosophila, Drosophila 440. dulcet* 441. dundrearies* 442. duopoly 443. dyed-in-the-wool 444. dyscalculia 445. dysphonia
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