Word List
For words with a * contestants must also know definitions.
196. caballero
- A horseman, particularly in the Latin American context
197. cachexia*
- A systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass, that accompanies a chronic disease
198. cacoëthes
- compulsion, mania
199. cadastre, cadaster
- a public survey of land for the purpose of taxation
200. cadaverous*
- Corpselike; hinting of death; imitating a cadaver [cadaver - dead body (cadō (“I fall”) as a metaphor for "I die", also source (through comb. form -cida) of the -cide in suicide, homicide etc.))]
201. cahoots*
- collusion or collaboration to nefarious ends.
202. Cahuilla
- tribe of Native Americans
203. calamari
- squid as food, especially cooked in the form of calamari rings
204. calculator
- A mechanical or electronic device that performs mathematical calculations
205. calliope (instrument)
- A musical organ, consisting of steam whistles played with a keyboard. Often used with merry-go-rounds
206. callosity
- A callous demeanour; insensitivity or hardheartedness
207. callowness
- he condition of being callow; immaturity.
208. calorimeter
- An apparatus for measuring the heat generated or absorbed by either a chemical reaction, change of phase or some other physical change
209. camera-ready
- Art or "hard copy" (a document or graphic art) that requires no additional work to be done to it before copies of it can be reproduced. It is commonly used in situations where separate documents will be compiled into a single compilation, such as compiling technical publications into a conference handout.
210. Camorra, camorra
- The Neapolitan equivalent of the Mafia
211. campestral
- Relating to open fields or uncultivated land.
212. camphor*
- (organic chemistry) A white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone, with a strong pungent odour, used in pharmacy
213. candor*
- the state of being sincere and open in speech; honesty in expression [from Latin for "brightness"/"brilliance")
214. canoeing
- A water sport involving racing in canoes or kayaks.
215. canorous
- melodious, resonant
216. cantankerous
- stubborn, cranky, surly
217. caponata
- a Sicilian dish of baked aubergines with capers, olives, pine nuts etc, normally served cold
218. capstone
- Any of the stones making up the top layer of a wall 2. A crowning achievement
219. carabiniere
- member of the Italian Carabinieri
220. caracal
- A type of mountain cat, of genus Caracal, native to Southern Africa, Turkestan and India
221. Caracas*
- capital of Venezuela
222. carbohydrate
- A sugar, starch, or cellulose that is a food source of energy for an animal or plant; a saccharide.
223. Carboniferous, carboniferous
- Containing or producing carbon
224. carcinomatosis
- (medicine) The widespread presence of carcinomas that have metastasized throughout the body
225. cardiothoracic
- Of or pertaining to both the heart and the chest
226. careen*
- To lurch or sway violently from side to side.
227. caret
- A mark [^] used by writers and proof readers to indicate that something
is to be inserted in the place marked by the caret. 228. carping
- Pertaining to excessive complaining.
229. carpophagous
230: Cartesian
- Pertaining to Descartes or his mathematical methods
231. caryatidean*
- in likeness of a caryatid (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural support taking the place of a column or pillar)
232. cassation
- The abrogation of a law by a higher authority; annulment.
233. casus belli*
- an act seen as justifying or causing a war
234. catachresis
235. catacomb
236. catatonia
237. catch phrase
238. catharsis
239. cavalcade
240. cavernicolous*
241. cecropia moth*
242. celerity
243. celestial, Celestial
244. cenotaph
245. Cerberus
246. cerebrovascular
247. chacma
248. chador*
249. chalcid*
250. chamfer
251. chancel
252. chandelier
253. charcuterie
254. chargeable
255. chary*
256. cheekiness
257. chenille*
258. chenopod
259. Chickamauga
260. Chinook, chinook
261. chirography
262. cholera
263. chop suey*
264. chorea
265. churlish
266. ciborium
267. cinephile
268. circularity
269. circumfluent
270. cirriped
271. citrine*
272. claque
273. clarification
274. class-conscious
275. clemency*
276. clerihew
277. cloister
278. clubbable, clubable
279. coadjutor
280. coalescent
281. coaxial
282. coccygeal
283. cognomen
284. coiffeuse*
285. coleoptile
286. collaborationist*
287. collage
288. colloquy
289. Colombia
290. colonelcy
291. commemorate*
292. commissariat
293. commodore
294. compatible
295. complicity*
296. complimentary
297. compote
298. compurgation*
299. conchiferous
300. conchoidal*
301. concoct*
302. concordance*
303. concretize*
304. concussive
305. condemnatory
306. confederacy, Confederacy
307. congelation
308. congregant
309. conjugate
310. conjuration
311. consort*
312. consternation
313. constitutionality
314. constraint
315. contemporaneous
316. contextual
317. contraption*
318. contravene
319. contumacy
320. convenable
321. convergent
322. convulsion
323. coolant
324. coquille
325. cordiform*
326. coriander
327. cornice
328. coronagraph, coronograph
329. corporal*
330. corroboree*
331. coruscation
332. corvine
333. Cossack
334. cosset
335. costumier
336. counterclaim
337. counterterroism
338. coup d' état
339. covenantor
340. covertness*
341. cozenage
342. craniosacral
343. crape myrtle, crepe myrtle
344. crêpe de Chine
345. cribbage*
346. criosphinx
347. critique
348. crop-dusting
349. croustade
350. cryonics*
351. cryptogenic
352. ctenoid
353. cuadrilla*
354. cultrate
355. culturati
356. cupidity*
357. cupriferous
358. cuspidor
359. cyclamate
360. cynicism, Cynicism
361. cystic fibrosis
362. cytotoxin*