.NET Development Foundation | |
Classes, Interfaces, and tools
COM interoperability
Exam objective: Expose COM components to the .NET Framework and .NET Framework components to COM
(Refer System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace)
Exposing COM Components to the .NET Framework
- First there is an article in the .NET developers guide that covers the first part of this section, see MSDN
Import a type library as an assembly - MSDN
- Add references to type libraries
- Same link as above, see second paragraph.
- Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe) - MSDN
- Generate interop assemblies from type libraries - MSDN
- Imported Library Conversion - MSDN
- Imported Module Conversion - MSDN
- Imported Type Conversion - MSDN
- Imported Member Conversion - MSDN
- Imported Parameter Conversion - MSDN
- TypeConverter class - MSDN
Create COM types in managed code - MSDN
Compile an interop project - MSDN
Deploy an interop application - MSDN
Exposing .NET Framework Components to COM
- The rest of the objectives of that section directly refers to MSDN
Qualify the .NET Framework types for interoperation - MSDN
Apply Interop attributes, such as the ComVisibleAttribute class - MSDN
Package an assembly for COM - MSDN
Deploy an application for COM access - MSDN
Call DLL functions
Exam objective: Call unmanaged DLL functions in a .NET Framework application, and control the marshalling of data in a .NET Framework application.
(Refer System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace)
Platform Invoke - MSDN
Create a class to hold DLL functions - MSDN
Create prototypes in managed code - MSDN
- DllImportAttribute class - MSND
Call a DLL function - MSDN
- Look for "P/Invoke" on the internet.
- A good reference is: http://www.pinvoke.net/
- Some short hints:
- For the DllAttribute "CharSet", Logically, CharSet.Auto is the most secure way as this will autodetect the Charset used. The CharSet can be ANSI(Win95/Win98/ME) or Unicode (Win2000/WinXP)
- GetEntryPoint: There could be one tricky question as the EntryPoint states the method that should be called. In case the name of the method used differs from the method to be called, this flag is necessary.
Call a DLL function in special cases, such as passing structures and implementing callback functions
- Same link as above
- Passing structures - MSDN
- Implementing callback functions - MSDN
Create a new Exception class and map it to an HRESULT - MSDN
Default marshaling behavior - MSDN
Marshal data with Platform Invoke - MSDN
Marshal data with COM Interop - MSDN
MarshalAsAttribute class and Marshal class
- MarshalAsAttribute class - MSDN
- Marshal class - MSDN
Implement Reflection
Exam objective: Implement reflection functionality in a .NET Framework application (refer System.Reflection namespace), and create metadata, Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), and a PE file by using the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.
Building a custom attribute (annexes)
Assembly class -MSDN
Assembly attributes - MSDN
- AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyCompanyAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyConfigurationAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyCopyrightAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyCultureAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyDelaySignAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyDescriptionAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyFileVersionAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyFlagsAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyKeyFileAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyTitleAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyTrademarkAttribute class - MSDN
- AssemblyVersionAttribute class - MSDN
Info classes
- ConstructorInfo class - MSDN
- MethodInfo class - MSDN
- MemberInfo class - MSDN
- PropertyInfo class - MSDN
- FieldInfo class - MSDN
- EventInfo class - MSDN
- LocalVariableInfo class - MSDN
Binder class and BindingFlags - MSDN
MethodBase class and MethodBody class
- MethodBase class - MSDN
- MethodBody class - MSDN
Builder classes
- AssemblyBuilder class - MSDN
- ConstructorBuilder class - MSDN
- EnumBuilder class - MSDN
- EventBuilder class - MSDN
- FieldBuilder class - MSDN
- LocalBuilder class - MSDN
- MethodBuilder class - MSDN
- ModuleBuilder class - MSDN
- ParameterBuilder class - MSDN
- PropertyBuilder class - MSDN
- TypeBuilder class - MSDN
Send Electronic mail
Exam objective: Send electronic mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for delivery from a .NET Framework application.
(Refer System.Net.Mail namespace)
MailMessage class - MSDN
MailAddress class and MailAddressCollection class
- MailAddress class - MSDN
- MailAddressCollection class - MSDN
SmtpClient class, SmtpPermission class, and SmtpPermissionAttribute class
- SmtpClient class - MSDN
- SmtpPermission class - MSDN
- SmtpPermissionAttribute class - MSDN
Attachment class, AttachmentBase class, and AttachmentCollection class
- Attachment class - MSDN
- AttachmentBase class - MSDN
- AttachmentCollection class - MSDN
SmtpException class, SmtpFailedReceipientException class, and SmtpFailedReceipientsException class
- SmtpException class - MSDN
- SmtpFailedReceipientException class - MSDN
- Please note that there is a typo in the exam objective page here, they use SmtpFailedReceipientException instead of SmtpFailedRecipientException.
- SmtpFailedRecipientsException class - MSDN
- Same typo then above
SendCompleteEventHandler delegate - MSDN
LinkedResource class and LinkedResourceCollection class
- LinkedResource class - MSDN
- LinkedResourceCollection class - MSDN
AlternateView class and AlternateViewCollection class
- AlternateView class - MSDN
- AlternateViewCollection class - MSDN