This book is a project in the language Niw Englisc and will be written in that language, intended to talk about creating an edible garden in that language.
Þisse Bok is an Projekt in þer Spræke Niw Englisc and wirþ in þer Spræke gewritten, gemænd um to læren, hu man anen ettbæren Garden scheppen.

Þe ettbære Garden

Onginn to planten!


Planten bei Bokstæf


— A Æ B C D Ð E F G Ȝ H Ƕ I J K L M N O Œ P Q R S T Þ U V W X Y Z —

Liste aller ettbæren Planten

Author: James Johnson
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.